"It's not the voting that democracy; it's the counting." Tom Stoppard, Jumpers
According to the Asbury Park Press, Paul Buccellato, Candidate for Mayor of Matawan has demanded a recount. If the situation was reversed I am positive Mayor Aufseeser and Councilman "Buddy" Mullaney would do the same.
More to follow as things develop.
According to the Asbury Park Press, Paul Buccellato, Candidate for Mayor of Matawan has demanded a recount. If the situation was reversed I am positive Mayor Aufseeser and Councilman "Buddy" Mullaney would do the same.
More to follow as things develop.
I've edited my blog to reflect his decision. I still think it was a mistake but I'm anxious to see what happens. Since the advent of electronic balloting, I've not been able to find a single example of a contested election changing the outcome.
Though I don't get why the comment bringing up the other two names was necessary at all--seems like sarcasm for sarcasm's sake, an impediment to progress--you are correct. When a vote is THISCLOSE, you owe it to the people that voted for you (in this case, half the electorate) to fight as hard as you can.
Of course, as I said, what a job it is they're fighting over...to make no money, give up multiple days a week, see your name dragged through the mud in the paper, and be second-guessed by every two-bit smart-aleck in town!
Again, good luck to both candidates. You almost feel sorry for the winner!
The point is that any candidate who has such a close election would call for a recount. It is the opinion of MA that Mullaney was an intricate part of Aufseeser's campaign. As Buccellato has been criticized for demanding a recount, thought it was important to mention the other candidate would have done the same. No sarcasm, just the truth.
I too wish them both good luck. Whatever is in the best interests of Matawan is what counts.
I'll say only this: To those who would criticize Councilman Buccellato for demanding a recount, by claiming it's petty, whiny, or sour grapes: Think Again.
Whatever you think of the man, (nearly)half of the electorate put their trust in him. He OWES it to them to ask for a recount, and I would assume the Monmouth County Republicans would feel the same way.
Is it futile? Perhaps. But it would also be symbolic. Someone can honestly say "they gave it their all".
The only way it gets dicey, of course, if it's wasting taxpayer dollars. Then it gets into the whole bag of worms about fiscal responsibilty (and penny pinching) again, and my initial arguments go out the window. But as I understand it, he has to foot the bill (or of course some political organization can do it), so it shouldn't be a problem. Now, if the borough has to retain an attorney, however, and there's fees involved...well, I just hope that isn't the case. If there is, I trust someone will be at the council meetings to ask all involved to account for the expenditure.
Im sure if it was the other way around the democratic party bud mullhaney, councilman malley, and the traitor who we put so much trust in and supported and left the party for selfish reasons mike cannon would do the same and i would bet find the vote some how to win it
Anonymous, are you kidding? Do you even have a brain? "Traitor?" "Left the Party?" What is this, a presidential election. This is the town of [i]Matawan[/i]. 8900 people! Who gives a rat's butt about stupid [i]political parties[/i]?!?!
Are we voting on stem cell research? Appointing Supreme Court judges? Approving budgets for overseas wars? Deciding the fate of Social Security? [b]NO![/b]
There should be one party that matters--the "Save Matawan Taxpayers Money Party". Don't make yourself look like an idiot with retarded partisan posts. Which, ultimately, you didn't, by not assigning an identity to your post anyway.
Truth in Matawan, Matawan is a Borough not a town. Just keeping it real.
On this blog everyone can have an opinion whether we all agree on that opinion or not.
Enough already, let's come up with visions, ideas to better our Borough.
well we have an idea lets get the train station development going. i dont think it will ever happen thou sorry to say it seems the current council does not want it to happen. also on my mind is got letter that the water shows some sign that something could be wrong with it but its funny how we got it a couple of days after the election . wish it could be that easy how partys work together but lets face it they have there own agenda ifv they didnt they would not have given paul n debra such non important post and kept them in the dark about everythng. we should keep matawan s future first but politics always gets in the way this council has the full power to do what it takes to get it done we us the residents will be watching. then we will see who the real idiots are more to come...
would like to see a merge of services police for one. also joining all the school boards into one for monmouth county or divided districts would save wasted dollars and bad management would be stopped .I thought was a great idea. but thats a county and state level decision we have to do something just sitting pointing fingers at one another is,nt working. there are too many for sale signs in this town who can blame them for wanting to sell .senior,s cannot afford the taxes they are being forced out of homes they paid for long ago because jersey and the trickle down miss management, opps look at me im pointing fingers lol more to come ........
Thanks Jesse, think you are on the right track (no pun intended) regarding the Train Station Redevelopment. After observing the majority Council over the past few years, seems that they were hoping Aberdeen would bail them out. Could be wrong but don't think so. It is obvious that they do not have a plan. Once the Silver Oaks v. Matawan appeal is over, we should all start asking questions as to what their vision/plan is for the Train Station. Could understand if Mendes is not for it, as his parents business would be effected.
However, he is the one Council person who can speak for the businesses/residents that would be effected directly by Redevelopment.
thanks M. A i think this project can go on without effecting too many places down by the train station just takes a little thinking and butt some heads together. we all have to make a decision togther on this neither canidate has a mandate with half the vote going each way so lets all meet half way and get this done when the silver oaks thing is over.like i said anyone who is not for this is really not for matawan hey im starting to like this blog lol maybe ill run for council myself lol
Hey Jesse, Believe there will be two seats next November. Councilman Malley and Councilwoman Mullaney. Go for it Jesse!
Looking forward to the recount on tues at 10 am should be very interesting......
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