This will be the first Council meeting when the public has access to the list of bills to be paid. Although not on the Municipal website, it is available at the Community Center on the Bulletin Board. Thanks to our vigilant residents who requested that we have the right to review the expenditures of the Borough Council. See that's what happens when you get involved.
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Didn't make it as I was out of town. Fill us in! How was the attendance? Was it chilly (-er than usual) between the Mayor and Councilman Buccellato?
I agree that transparency in governance is a must, and kudos to those who worked to make this change (posting of the bills) happen. Although I'm sure the clerk will gripe at having one extra duty each month. :)
That being said regarding transparency, there probably is a line where citizens need to stop making decisions, and elected officials do. I don't know that line, don't know if we've already crossed it, or don't know if we're close to crossing it. Just throwing it out there.
hello matawan jesse here drove by the 7-11 today guy in a pick up stopped short to pick up 3 workers if it wasnt for our belts would have sent me and my 2 kids flying . when is this b.s going to end why cant southland corp and matawan council do something about this . why cant 7-11 take away the franchise from this owner im sure hes getting something from people gathering on southland property. also another beef i have is the protesters on main street why cant c-town just cut a deal with the union and end this . im not sure if hes going to get people in the store anyway no one shops on main street america anymore most go to big box stores a.p s np etc for meats and grocery items. le pesh is a welcome addition this is what we have to focus on. but really what this town needs is big time development like the train station this is something that not needs but has to be done even if it means the buying up of some propertys if there was no e.d projects would never get done [ see robert moses]we need this train station project to get approved and moving what there trying to do downtown is nice also and helps the town look better but for tax reduction we need the train station project trying to put a new restraunt here and there is nice but its a little to late time for big time thinking anyone who is not for this is not for matawan lets not turn this into pottersville which it is starting to look like. more to come.......
Welcome Jesse. Glad you and your children were not injured. Buccellato tried to find a solution to the safety issue but was met with opposition from Mayor Aufsesser & her cohorts. Aufseeser has taken on the health issue and reportedly a fence will be built by 7-11 to prevent unauthorized persons access. Haven't seen the fence as yet, still see the dayworkers. Agree with you on the Redevelopment of the Train Station. Revitalizing downtown is a noble cause, however, it won't bring in the kind of tax relief we in Matawan need desperately. We will have to wait and see what the appellate does with the Silver Oaks appeal.
You think someone can take down all of those huge election signs what are they still doing up are they expecting another election anytime soon. i know there is going to be a recount and the possability of this election being turned around but can we take the dam signs down please. thankyou lol
Jesse, Heard you loud and clear. See current post about Turkeys. They must think Matawan is really stupid.
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