Monday, January 21, 2008


Tuesday, January 22, 2008, at 7:30 pm, Paul Buccellato will be sworn in as Mayor of Matawan. Council President Michael Cannon,will preside over the meeting until Mayor elect Buccellato is sworn in. At that time, Mayor Buccellato will take his place on the dias.

We are optimistic about the Mayor and the Borough Council working together to carry Matawan into the future. Here's hoping they all work together!


Anonymous said...

Well lets see what he is all about!

Anonymous said...

During tonight's council meeting cell towers came up twice, if you have any information on this topic please let us know. Mrs. Clifton mentioned a proposal that will be going before the Planning & Zoning Board, involving Main St, and a resident asked a question about a cell tower on top of the water tower.

Anonymous said...

They already have a cell tower just about up on the transit property at Gravely Brook Park. I don't believe the town has any interests in this tower. If we can put one up on the water tower that would be some good income for the town. If they do the deal right they can get other things like upgrading the entire radio system for public saftey. All the outdated radios, antenna's and base stations can be replaced for at the cost of the winning bidder. Put another tower right next to the soon to come new Public Saftey building. Just another way to offset the cost. Lets go council, don't just jump into these very important deals with $ on your mind. Think about all the options before just making some quick uneducated deal.

Anonymous said...

The new to come Public Safety building is a dream that the council members keep promising. See if they can really bring it to life.

matawan advocate said...

Councilwoman Clifton advised that a cell tower is being proposed behind 123 Main St. It must be approved by the Planning & Zoning Board. She had requested residents who oppose it to attend the Planning & Zoning Board meeting. Let's have a big turn out opposing it. It is reminiscent of the high voltage wire towers, first we were told they are safe, then unsafe, now who do you trust? Believe it is safe when a Councilperson puts one up near their home.

As regards the cell tower on top of the water tower, according to Councilman Malley he stated we had to put one somewhere and that was the site the Council chose. Malley also stated that if Matawan didn't the gov't would mandate that we put it up. Mayor Buccellato opposed the cell tower on top of the water tower when he was a Councilman. Mayor Buccellato stated at last night's meeting that the contract hasn't been signed as yet. Can't help but wonder if we couldn't have come up with a better somewhere that children don't play baseball, parents don't gather to watch and neighborhood children and adults are not in danger. A variance had to be passed in order to put the cell tower on top of the water tank. But that was the previous administration. As the majority party is still in power now, don't know what can be done. Good question for the next Council meeting.

As to income generation, what price is your safety or that of your family? PRICELESS!

Anonymous said...

Come On! If the state is coming in no matter what we might as well jump there decision and get everything we can for it. Behind 123 Main St. is ridiculous. That is where we need more parking not a cell tower. Knockdown part of the church st. side of Borough Hall and put it there. We have had high power lines in Matawan for years and no report of any problems. That cancer cluster down south is probably from the nuclear plant. No one is going to admit to that.

Anonymous said...

A resident complained at a Borough Council meeting last night to this Asbury Park Press reporter about more coverage in the area. IF ANY RESIDENT WANT TO SEE SOMETHING COVERED IN THEIR AREA, PLEASE CALL THIS REPORTER. IF YOU DON'T TELL ME, I WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT IT. FEEL FREE TO PASS THE INFORMATION AROUND. THANKS.

Sametta M. Thompson
News Reporter for Matawan
Asbury Park Press

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well lets see what he is all about?

The new mayor can only be as good, productive, and forward moving as the five individuals (Mullaney, Mendes, Malley, Cannon, and Bunyon) will allow. I think your question should really be: "Lets see what they are all about?"

matawan advocate said...

The cell phone tower on the water tank is not just a matter of health issues, but as variances were obtained the distance was shortened if they fall. Cancer clusters haven't been studied in Matawan.

How far from your home is a cell phone tower or high voltage wires? Would you be so interested if it was in your backyard, where your children play?

What exactly is it you think Matawan is getting for the cell tower? A new hook and ladder would be great!

Anonymous said...

Like I said before new radio system for the Public Safety (Police, Fire, First Aid) cash for the rental of the property from the cell phone company. Throw in free cell phones for all employees of the borough. Hook and Ladder is a waste. Plenty of those in the other towns.

matawan advocate said...

You think. Wait till The Preserve on Rte 79 is completed. Three story walk ups, no elevators. Do you think those people will want to wait until another town's hook and ladder is available? Oh and don't forget the free cell phones for the Borough employees, who probably have their own anyway. Yeah right weigh public safety vs. free cell phones for Borough employees. Has this contract for the cell phone tower been given to the Borough Attorney for review or is it a deal being made by Mullaney, Malley, Cannon? Buccellato was the Chairman of the Technology committee and he opposed it from the beginning for public safety reasons. Wonder if he was a part of the negotiations?

matawan advocate said...

Glad to spread the word Sametta.

Truth In Matawan said...

But was he against it for Technology reasons?

Why can't we put one up down by the train station. Plenty of vacant properties down there. If we put it on the corner of Main Street and Aberdeen Road, maybe it'll scare some of the day laborers away.

matawan advocate said...

If memory serves, recall it was for public safety reasons. Got a laugh out of your remark about putting a tower on Aberdeen Rd and Main St. Actually it sounds like a good idea. Why weren't any of the Borough properties considered? Didn't we sell a parcel of land to Aberdeen for $1.00. Perhaps instead of selling it for $1.00 we could have utilized it ourselves for a tower. Now that we have an experienced adult, Council President Mike Cannon, as Chairperson of Finance, we will see better money management. Couple this with Mayor Buccellato's plan for accountability in spending it does sound hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Most of the borough properties are very close to housing. Isnt that what you are concerned about?

matawan advocate said...

Yes. However, are all the properties close to housing or recreational areas? Another good question for the next council meeting.