For the record this will be the third (3) Director to have left this position in a short time. There is obviously a problem. We'd like to see Councilman Bunyon do a thorough evaluation of the problem that continues to plague the Recreation Committee. Action must be taken to avoid Matawan losing such qualified, outstanding Directors.
At the next Borough Council meeting on Wed., August 6th, 2008, the Council will be voting to accept Ms. Aguiliar's resignation and to hire yet another part time Recreation Director.
Football Program
Just saw that Charlie Rogers was approved as a football coach at the High School. LAst year at a varsity football game he punched an assistant coach in the face after the game as he walked off the field. AND NOW HE IS COACHING? I DON'T CARE IF HE PLAYED INTHE NFL OR NOT, HE SHOULD NOT BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE SCHOOL.
If that is true, how is he allowed to be around children. I don't think our school district would allow that.
I hope this is not the same ex-Matawan football player that was arrested for fighting with police at a go-go bar a few years back. My kid doesn't play football but if he did I would have a problem with this guys temper and attitude
towards others.
This news is appalling, if it is the same person. Please keep us posted. We will check around ourselves and advise when we get correct information. Definitely a School Board question.
Thank you all for your postings.
Missed that game but the way I heard it, it wasn't an assistant coach but the parent of one of the players that was hit. Anybody have anymore information on Charlie Rogers. Not that it matters if he has anger issues, coaching is not the place for him.
If this is true then all the parents of students should make it their business to attend the next Board of Education meeting.
News Flash: Matawan shouldn't even HAVE a recreation director. Times are tough and money is scarce so why MUST we have one? If the kids want to be in a recreation sports league then let the parents organize and run it. Thats how the girl scouts and boy scouts do it!
We may not agree with you, but to set the record straight, ust as the Boys & Girl Scouts,the Babe Ruth League, Girls Softball League, Soccer League are independent volunteers that are run by a dedicated group of individuals.
The position of P/T Recreation Director is involved more with the Summer Day Camp Program, event planning and execution. etc. There is a group of volunteers on the Recreation Committee. Perhaps there should be more volunteers from the community. Although didn't see anything on the Borough website asking for volunteers. Any futher information regarding volunteering will be appreciated.
Thanks for your comments.
A few years ago, the Rec Committee was made up of all volunteers. The head was not paid a part-time salary. With times as these, we should rely on the volunteers.
The problem with volunteers, as we see it is even though they are hard-working, dedicated individuals, there is no accountability. The current volunteer Committee is Chaired by Michael Mullaney. Some of the members include Mary Mullaney and Pat Coleman, who have done a fine job. However, Councilman Mullaney seems to always vote in support of his wife and son. Even went so far as to read a letter to the Council from Michael Mullaney, stating Michael would prefer the Borough advertise again for a new part time Recreation Director.
Kudos to Councilman Bunyon for taking the bull by the horns. We were fortunate that the other candidate was available and accepted the position. Joseph Altomonte will be taking over. It will be a smooth transition.
What appeared to be based on his families position Mullaney was the only Council member opposed to Altomonte.
Perhaps #4 will be our lucky number. Good luck to Mr.Altomonte. We trust he will not encounter similar problems that caused the previous Recreation Directors to leave.
Thanks for your cmments.
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