Mayor's Report - For some reason Mayor Buccellato was to read a statement, but deferred to James Aaron, Esq., Borough Attorney. Based on what the Borough Attorney stated it appeared it had to do with the purchase of fire apparatus. We hope the Council majority heard and listened so that the purchase of this much needed equipment is done correctly.
7 - 11 Update - Mayor Buccellato instructed the Borough Attorney to contact 7-11 Corporate offices asking for an update on the fencing of their property. This is long overdue. It goes back to the previous Administration when the previous Mayor reported 7-11 would be fencing in their property. This was to prevent day laborers from using Borough property as toilet facilities. In the interest of public safety & health, this matter continues to be a problem.
Recreation/Redevelopment Committee - Councilman Bunyon advised that Ms. Elizabeth Aguilar has resigned and Joseph Altomonte (the other applicant) will be replacing her as part time Recreation Director beginning Aug. 16, 2008, with the Council's approval. Councilman Mullaney, read a statement from his son, Michael Mullaney requesting the position be advertised to possibly get more applicants. The Council voted to approve Mr. Altomonte, with only Councilman Mullaney voting against. Welcome Mr. Altomonte, we wish you the best of luck. Please feel free to contact this Blog should you require additional volunteers. We would be pleased to help.
A problem presented itself involving authority to contact the Borough Attorney. It seems a volunteer from the Recreation Committee had done so, thus possibly incurring charges for the Borough Attorney's time. The Council voted in favor of the Recreation Committee Chairman, Councilman Bunyon, as the only authorized person to communicate with the Borough Attorney. Councilman Mullaney was the only nay vote.
Finance, Education & Personnel Committee - The 2008 Budget was adopted along with the amendment including the $200,000. in discretionary aid from Trenton.
Technology, Sanitation/Recycling Committee - Councilwoman Clifton reported the purchase of approximately $25,000. worth of computer equipment for the Matawan Police Department. The money for this equipment was taken from a bond that is in place.
Recycling - Dumpster is still available for tree branches, brush, etc.
We hope the dumpster becomes a permanent fixture as residents are limited to what can be thrown in with the household garbage.
Safety Committee - Councilman Mendes asked the Mayor for a progress report on the relocation of the Borough Court. Mayor Buccellato brought him up to speed. It seems to be moving along.
Streets & Roads, etc., Committee - Councilman Mullaney advised the much needed STREET SWEEPER has arrived. Looking forward to seeing clean streets in Matawan again.
Kudos to Councilman Mullaney for his efforts in securing this much needed sweeper.
Payment of Bills - Mayor Buccellato asked Councilman Cannon if he wanted to place on hold NJ Transit parking fees. Based on the discussion that ensued, the Mayor stated Matawan doesn't have a signed agreement to pay NJ Transit in place. The Borough Clerk was in agreement. Councilman Cannon put a hold on that payment which was in the amount of $16,700.
Commentary - Logically speaking, does this mean Matawan should be reimbursed for previous payments made to NJ Transit without a signed agreement?
As stated previously, it was a long meeting. We are still waiting to hear some discussion on important issues, i.e., water treatment plant, progress on the Transit Village, Beacon Study of Main St. implementation (with or without modifications), and so on.
Hope to see you at the next meeting.....
7 - 11 Update - Mayor Buccellato instructed the Borough Attorney to contact 7-11 Corporate offices asking for an update on the fencing of their property. This is long overdue. It goes back to the previous Administration when the previous Mayor reported 7-11 would be fencing in their property. This was to prevent day laborers from using Borough property as toilet facilities. In the interest of public safety & health, this matter continues to be a problem.
Recreation/Redevelopment Committee - Councilman Bunyon advised that Ms. Elizabeth Aguilar has resigned and Joseph Altomonte (the other applicant) will be replacing her as part time Recreation Director beginning Aug. 16, 2008, with the Council's approval. Councilman Mullaney, read a statement from his son, Michael Mullaney requesting the position be advertised to possibly get more applicants. The Council voted to approve Mr. Altomonte, with only Councilman Mullaney voting against. Welcome Mr. Altomonte, we wish you the best of luck. Please feel free to contact this Blog should you require additional volunteers. We would be pleased to help.
A problem presented itself involving authority to contact the Borough Attorney. It seems a volunteer from the Recreation Committee had done so, thus possibly incurring charges for the Borough Attorney's time. The Council voted in favor of the Recreation Committee Chairman, Councilman Bunyon, as the only authorized person to communicate with the Borough Attorney. Councilman Mullaney was the only nay vote.
Finance, Education & Personnel Committee - The 2008 Budget was adopted along with the amendment including the $200,000. in discretionary aid from Trenton.
Technology, Sanitation/Recycling Committee - Councilwoman Clifton reported the purchase of approximately $25,000. worth of computer equipment for the Matawan Police Department. The money for this equipment was taken from a bond that is in place.
Recycling - Dumpster is still available for tree branches, brush, etc.
We hope the dumpster becomes a permanent fixture as residents are limited to what can be thrown in with the household garbage.
Safety Committee - Councilman Mendes asked the Mayor for a progress report on the relocation of the Borough Court. Mayor Buccellato brought him up to speed. It seems to be moving along.
Streets & Roads, etc., Committee - Councilman Mullaney advised the much needed STREET SWEEPER has arrived. Looking forward to seeing clean streets in Matawan again.
Kudos to Councilman Mullaney for his efforts in securing this much needed sweeper.
Payment of Bills - Mayor Buccellato asked Councilman Cannon if he wanted to place on hold NJ Transit parking fees. Based on the discussion that ensued, the Mayor stated Matawan doesn't have a signed agreement to pay NJ Transit in place. The Borough Clerk was in agreement. Councilman Cannon put a hold on that payment which was in the amount of $16,700.
Commentary - Logically speaking, does this mean Matawan should be reimbursed for previous payments made to NJ Transit without a signed agreement?
As stated previously, it was a long meeting. We are still waiting to hear some discussion on important issues, i.e., water treatment plant, progress on the Transit Village, Beacon Study of Main St. implementation (with or without modifications), and so on.
Hope to see you at the next meeting.....
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