Matawan Borough Council/Workshop 7pm 8-19-08
NOW HERE THIS......Is Matawan's Borough Council finished playing games? It is time for everyone to stop the nonsense and get down to business. Looking at the Workshop Agenda, which was apparently cut short (it is being held the same night as the Borough Council meeting) the only noteworthy item on the Agenda is a Medical Presentation. What is difficult to understand is why the same Council members who were demanding immediate action on the hook and ladder truck, the dams, Court relocation, renovation of Police Building, etc. were too busy to attend a Workshop meeting last week. Thus causing all these important issues, excluding the Medical Presentation, to be delayed. By the way, there is no such thing as immediate action in government.The Agenda for the Borough Council meeting is another disappointment! Under New Business, Ordinance 08-14 Establishing a Recreation Advisory Committee will be voted on. This has been pending for a long time. What is the big deal with the Recreation Committee?Following this meeting, we can only hope the Borough Council starts behaving like "public officials", or should we rephrase that to say we hope they start acting like adults and get on with Borough business. The clock is ticking and everyday without progress puts Matawan in a bigger financial hole.Hope to see you there .......
What is wrong with some council members?? They have been told time and time again that Matawan is broke, yet they want to keep spending. Mr. Mullaney wants to start up the road improvement program...with what money, his own?
They spend all their time on recreation, guess that's because of Mary and Michael. Enough is enough!!! It is time they all settle down and think of the residents, ALL the residents.
Could not agree with you more. The intention of Councilman Mullaney and company is to BOND for the money to pay for their agendas. Now Councilman Mendes is talking about purchasing two new police cars and hiring Specials to the Police Dept. The Specials supposedly are to save money, just how much is not known. Typical of this majority Council, they want, they want, but don't know how much it will cost/save the taxpayers.
Thanks for your comments.
First of all the police cars need to be kept up. You cant have a police car patroling the streets with 75,000 miles plus (Not Safe). These are the vehicles that are used in emergency situations 24 hours a day. Matawan needs to make a plan that a certain amount of police cars are bought every year and the old cars are taken off the road. I don't hear anyone complaining about all the new road department equipment that has been bought the last couple years despite the employees are all leaving without being replaced. As for the specials, they are paid by the hour. A close friend told me that Chief Alston wants to use these specials to reopen the doors of the police department. If that is the case we should all be for that idea. The police department should not be deprived of anything they are the first line of defense, safety, and assistance in the town. If cuts need to be made, make them in other departments. Start selling off all those new trucks in the road department that there is no one to drive.
The Police Dept. does need Specials. With vacations, overtime is there. A patrolman's overtime is quite a bit more than the $15 per hour for a Special!! There are many times there are only 2 patrols on the road; that is unsafe for the patrols and the citizens they serve and protect.
The Specials would not be given benefits, since they are not full time. There again is a savings.
I see new faces at Boro Hall....if we can afford them, why not Police? Bonding??? eventually these have to be paid back with interest. THINK, COUNCIL. The town and residents don't have money!!! We all don't own family businesses like some council members!!!
Soon just recreation committee members & cops will be able to afford to live in Matawan.
75,000 miles on a car is not safe? come on guys. listen, everyone wants the newest toy out, but sometimes a bit of upkeep & common sense goes along way.
during national night out, the fire dept had a hook and ladder that kept on going up & down all night. they were so high up they had a great view of matawan and were able to look down on all the buildings b/c they were so much higher than necessary.
until our local government learns how to budget money, there should be a total freeze on any new hires/equipment. I wonder if council members & committee members run their businesses with such irresponsible deficits.
You all make sense. You are correct, too much time is wasted on less important matters like Recreation, while critical matters like the Budget are placed on the back burner. If the Council represents the people of Matawan, why don't they listen? Preparing Matawan's Budget for the next year is an idea the Mayor has spoken about to no avail.
Sticking to the 2008 Road Program in its original amount utilizing the money left over from last year would be a prudent move. NO BONDING. The interests of public safety should always come first. One place we don't need Specials is the Borough Council Meetings.
If we have to listen to the Borough Attorney, Mr. Aaron, Mayor Buccellato and the Borough Clerk, Ms. Monfort explain to the Council members one more time the correct, legal procedures to make purchases, we will all lose our minds. No money should be spent without the Council's approval. They are spending TAXPAYER DOLLARS and should be held accountable. In lieu of political posturing the candidates sitting on the current Council should be working on setting priorities.
Leave campaigning outside the Council room. If the Council really wants to cut costs why don't they give up their stipends? Or would that take away from their pension plans?
Guess election time will be the "day of reckoning" for the Council. Time will tell...who really runs Matawan, the elite few or the residents.
Consolidate the two towns and all we need is one police force. Enough with the home rule nonsence thats costing us plenty. Both towns don't want to lose power so it will never get done. It's the only thing that makes sense. Even Corslime figured it out, but these idiots don't get it.
The trouble with all the new trucks in the Public works department is, al the men want to do is ride around in them all day, to bad they can't get out of them and do some work.. Who do you think is paying for all the gas they are using up joy riding around town? Where is their supervisor??
Dont worry about the gas. The road department is soon to be disbanded. Retirement without replacement and it is going to be most of the members. The lawns are already subed out. I dont have a problem with this. The only problem is the millions of dollars of equipment just sitting there for no reason.
Your right a little maintenance goes a long way. The vehicles still get beat up. There really is only enough police cruisers to go around for the officers on the road at one time. That means they are going pretty much 24 hours a day. Hope these cars are working at tip top shape when you need the police to get to you right away or when they need to pursuit the person that did sometype of offense to you or someone close to you. If they need it give it to them. Try cutting the crazy amount of employees in Borough Hall. Like I have said before when it was on Main St. there was no where near this many secretaries and supervisors in that building.
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