THE BELL WILL TOLL FOR MATAWAN, if this Council doesn't stop the spending.
Do you want a say in how your tax dollars are being spent? Then you owe it to yourselves to attend this meeting. Important issues will be discussed. You can ask how much the 2008 Road Program will cost, how much the new hook and ladder will cost and any other items that will be discussed at this workshop. Keep in mind it is August and if the Road Program is to be implemented it must be soon. Once the asphalt plants close for the Winter, we will not be repaving any streets. Considering the high cost of asphalt, this could be a good idea.
There will be a Workshop Meeting of the Matawan Borough Council on Tues., August 26th at 6:30pm at 201 Broad Street. The Agenda is not on line as yet. When it is published, we will post.
As promised, the following items are on the Workshop Agenda:
1. Recreation
a. Rules & Regulations/Park Hours
b. Memorial Day Parade (day- Sunday or Monday)
c. Stipends
d. Interlocal Services Agreement - Board of Education
2. Police Department
a. Special Class II Officers
b. Police Vehicles
c. Towing Ordinance
3. Resident Request
a. Vacation of Easement - Clinton & Orchard Sts.
b. Sewer Line
1. Mill Road
2. Spring Lawn & Charles St (Aberdeen, NJ)
3. Park Avenue Sewer Line
4. Fire Department
a. Update on Needs Assessment
b. Ladder/Bucket Truck
5. General
a. Fire Alarm System ($14,500)
b. Habitat for Humanity - Waving of Fees
c. Road Program 2007/2008
d. State Wide Developmet Fees
e. COAH - Administrative Agent
f. Health Insurance
Hope to see you there....
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