Monday, June 30, 2008

Stop the Madness-2008 Road Program

According to an article in the Asbury Park Press on 6/30/08, as reported in the New York Times, the rising cost of asphalt is causing New Jersey State and townships to scale down their road programs. For example, Bergen County had reduced the number of roads to be repaved from 32 miles down to 23 miles. The overall cost of asphalt per Kenneth D. Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America, a trade association, is up more than 5 percent since April and more than 10 percent in the past year.

The New Jersey Dept of Transportation expects to pay $88.71 per ton for asphalt this year, a 79 percent increase from the $49.46 per ton it paid in 2001.

Now in Matawan our Borough Council has decided to increase the 2008 Road Program. They have already authorized the Borough Engineering firm, Maser Consulting to begin the necessary paperwork and surveys to the tune of $300,000. in a no bid deal.

Is there an abundance in Matawan of tax monies? Does the Borough have "an offer they can't refuse" on asphalt? How can they justify increasing the Road Program when NJ State and other townships are scaling down their programs? Is this the action of a prudent Borough Council who is watching out for the taxpayers money or does this sound like a Council that will tax us out of our homes and Borough? Hope you all wrote letters to Gov. Corzine asking for financial aid for Matawan because if we get the aid, the Council cannot amend the Budget! If we don't the Council can increase our taxes to support their ineptness.

Matawan Borough Council Mtg 7/1/08 @ 7:30pm

Matawan Borough will hold the first monthly meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30pm at 201 Broad Street. On the Agenda is the Presentation of Oaths to the following members of the Matawan Police Department, James A. Alston will be sworn in as Chief of Police, Jason D. Gallo, Benedict J. Smith III, Patrick Walker, Jeremiah E. Hourihan III are promoted. Michael Pascone will be entering the Police Academy as a Probationary Police Officer. Former Chief McGpwan officially retires on 7-1-08. We wish all of the Policemen the best of luck and may God watch over them as they "protect and serve" us. Chief McGowan, thanks for many years of service to this community. Enjoy your retirement.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Seeing is Believing - Bill List for Matawan

Click on Bill List

This is being done by the same Councilman who previously was to sponsor a resolution against PAY TO PLAY. Guess the money was too good to pass up.

JUST SAY NO to elected officials who perform work for the Borough and then vote to pay themselves! We are surprised to see no one really cares about unethical shenanigans in the Borough. Therefore, we decided to post a previous Bill List wherein Councilman Kevin Mendes family business did work for the Borough and the Councilman voted yes on payment of the Bill List. This bill is for 4/18/08 in the amount of $468.00, followed by another bill for $202.80 on 5/16/08. So far Councilman Mullaney has only submitted one bill in February 2008 for $452.50 and of course it was paid. Based on a reply to a resident at a recent Council Meeting, he gave the impression that Mullaney Tires has continued to do work, just hasn't gotten around to billing the Borough.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Presbyterian Church Matawan

First Presbyterian Church at 833 Route 34 in Matawan is holding its 6th Annual Mission Matawan program from Tues. 6/24 thru Sat. We urge people in need of assistance to avail themselves of this wonderful service. Volunteers from the Church provide a helping hand to the elderly, handicapped and others who lack resources to repair and maintain their homes.
Thank you to all the volunteers for caring and helping others. The Church is to be commended for their service to the community.
For more information call 732 566 2663.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Where in the World is the Matawan Alliance?

In response to a question regarding the Matawan Alliance and Sharkfest. To the best of our knowledge there is no Sharkfest scheduled this year. The Matawan Alliance still exists though apparently inactive this year. It is reported to be made up of local businesses and residents. The proceeds from their sponsored events were to be used for the creation of a memorial to commemorate the victims of the Shark Attack.

At a Council meeting, a resident asked and was told by Councilman Malley, someone from the Matawan Alliance would be at the following meeting. This never happened! Nor has anyone seen the books outside of its membership. Councilman Mullaney and Mary Mullaney, were active last year. However, Councilman Mullaney claimed he had no information on the Matawan Alliance. Interesting to note Mullaney voted yes to donate $700. to the Matawan Alliance and Mrs. Mullaney spoke at a Council meeting on behalf of the Matawan Alliance along with Renatta Bonelli, previously of Synery Bank.

The Chamber of Commerce decided to sponsor along with the Matawan Police Department, the Annual Night Out event. Much thanks to the The Chamber of Commerce for stepping up to the plate.

When public monies are given to a group, their books should be available to the public! In the alternative, if they wish to remain cloaked in secrecy, then don't request tax dollars.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Do you know where your tax dollars are going?

Neither does your Borough Council or should we they care?

Last night's Council meeting began with a resident, Agnes Falk, reading a statement saying the Council lied to the public. We are giving the "Readers Digest" condensed version. It appears she asked the Council a question about a Resolution passed for a Borough employee's retirement. The Council responded, there were no additional benefits paid outside the IBEW agreement. Well, she filled out an OPRA form and lo and behold the Council gave this employee additional benefits outside the collection bargaining agreement! This is costing the Borough money and setting a precedent for other employees to avail themselves of negotiating outside of the IBEW agreement. The fact is that it has never been shown to save the taxpayers money when additional benefits are given for early retirement.

Andy Lopez, a resident, was irate and asked for the dismissal of the Personnel Committee.

This all fell on deaf ears! The Council did not respond. They know they are guilty and couldn't care less about the residents. So much for "pinching pennies." So much for "open government."


Sale of former Health Dept Building on Broad Street

Jerry Hourihan, a well respected resident, was outraged that the price was dropped over $100,000. citing even with the declining home sales market...that was too large of a reduction.

Then Councilman Buccellato, now Mayor, was instrumental in having the sale worded so that money from the sale will go directly to renovating the Police Dept Building. That would mean if we get a full price bid, $350,000. the money will go to help solve the PD Building problem. Well that would be a step in the right direction.

Fiero Avenue Parking Restrictions

Residents opposed the passing of this parking restriction, which states there is to be no parking on Fiero Ave., north and south, from 10pm to 2am on Fri and Sat. Stating he believes the restricted parking will not be of any value to residents and would be a problem for Cafe 34. Cafe 34 has purchased an additional lot to provide parking for its patrons.

A resident of Fiero Avenue, stating he agrees Cafe 34 is an asset to the community. However, he believes this is a quality of life issue and restricting parking on Fiero Ave is beneficial to residents.

Councilman Mullaney asked Officer Lovallo, Matawan PD Safety Officer, to state his findings on the safety issue. What an awful spot to put the Officer in Councilman. Officer Lovallo recalled his findings from past investigations.

The final vote was Councilman Mullaney and Councilman Mendes voted no, the remainder of the Council vote yes. There will be NO PARKING on Fri. & Sat. on Fiero Ave. from 10pm to 2am.

Borough Budget

Councilman Cannon has called for a meeting of all Department heads in the borough to discuss further cutbacks in the Budget.

Stop giving away additional benefits to retiring employees Mr. Cannon. Department Heads have nothing to do with giving away benefits outside the collective bargaining agreement. The Borough Department Heads have done a great job cutting back their budgets.

Re-evalute the 2008 Road Program and do a less extensive program.

New Street Sweeper

Delivery of the new street sweeper is still pending. That explains the grass growing in the streets of Matawan. An idea would be for all property owners to shovel up the dirt outside their property. However, problem is the trash removal firm will not pick it up.

Temporary moving of Borough Court

Councilman Mendes requested an update on the progress on the relocation of the Court from Pat Sickels, Court Clerk. Instead of making a big deal, why not call Ms. Sickels and ask her for an update Councilman? Too busy giving tours of the Police Department Building?

Engineering Fees

Once again an unnecessary expense of up to $3500. for Maser Consulting to Provide Services for Red Light Camera Applications. This program was to be of NO COST to the Borough? Hellllllllo, $3500. now, how much more is needed for this program? No one has proved this Program to be cost effective to the Community. The only other town untilizing this system is Newark.

How much will it cost for the Borough Court to hear disputes on tickets? How much will it cost to handle the bookkeeping and paperwork? How much will it cost for a Police Officer to review the tickets and process? Do we really need a system used in Newark, a much busier town?

If it sounds too good to be usually isn't true.

On the upside

A Proclamation was read by the Mayor honoring Staff Sergeant Eric Paul Reisner, U.S. Army for his dedication and service to our Country. Staff Sergeant Reisner is heading for a second tour in Iraq. May God watch over him and all the other servicemen and woman as they fight to keep us safe.

Police Department Promotions

Several policemen were promoted to Sergeant two of whom were Patrick Walker and Jerry Hourihan. Councilman Mullaney abstained from voting on Patrick Walker's promotion as Councilman Mullaney's daughter is engaged to Officer Walker. Jerry Hourihan is the Grandson of well known resident Jerry Hourihan.

There will be one Probationary Police Officer being sent to the Police Academy for training.

We wish to thank them all for the sacrifices they make every day to protect and serve Matawan.

Hope to see you at the next Workshop or Council meeting....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Want the Truth...You Can't Handle the Truth!

These are the opinions and comments of the Matawan Advocate. It appears some of our postings have been misinterrupted. To clarify things, here are some comments and facts as we know them.

In response to a recent comment on this Blog. An anonymous blogger gave the impression that the Matawan Advocate possibly disagrees on the condition of the Police Dept Building. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Police Department Building - We have long been a supporter of Matawan’s Police Force. We reiterate the conditions of the building have been a concern for some time. Any remedy to correct the situation by the majority Council has not been voted on to date. Why would Councilman Mendes, who sits on the Democratically controlled Council, (aware his associates are incapable of making a decision to move forward) want to bring their ineptness to the attention of the Public? What good do you see coming out of this story?

Councilman Mendes was given the opportunity and proper forum to discuss his concerns and possible solutions at a Council Workshop meeting on May 15, 2008 as the Police Department was listed on the Agenda. He chose to remain silent.

Does Mendes work for Scudiery?
Rumor has it that Mendes runs and operates a monthly parking lot for Scudieriy on Main Street. He should also be concerned with the maintenance of that property, where weeds are growing and the building has unpainted plywood.

Scudiery - Chairman of Monmouth County Democratic Party
Obviously, with Scudiery owning property in Matawan and the new attorney involved in Long Branch and Asbury Park, sounds like a land deal! From a naïve resident’s point of view it seems all property from the Train Station project are being manipulated by Vic Scudiery. Sure hope we are wrong.

Matawan Borough Budget (No approved Budget to date)
If you attended the last Borough Workshop, you would have heard Councilman Mike Cannon state electric, gas street lamps and heating are over budget. Does Mendes think going to the Press is the answer to Matawan’s money problems? If we are over Budget for utilities and this is just the middle of the fiscal year.
Where do we get the money to make the necessary moves to correct conditions at the Police Building?

2008 Road Program
Mayor Bucccelato (aware of the financial difficulties) suggested the Council scale down the 2008 Road Program to reduce the tax burden or debt, it was outright rejected. Guess the tax burden on the residents isn’t that important.

Let’s be clear our infrastructure needs to be replaced and maintained accordingly. But with unemployment creeping upwards, gasoline nearly at $5.00 a gallon it is time to re-evaluate. If not, C-Town will not be the only thing closing and moving out!

Borough Employee Contracts
Borough employees whose contracts have not been settled are another concern. The Council has had 2 ½ years to settle. As it stands now nothing has been done.

Food for Thought
Why not write a story on how the Council cannot agree on a simple contract?

How about a story on Councilman Mullaney and Councilman Mendes doing work for the Borough, then voting to pay themselves? Where is the "Pay to Play" Resolution Councilman Mullaney was going to present to the Council? His idea that elected officials holding public office for the Borough should not be allowed to perform work in the Borough?

Why not investigate why Scudiery and the Monmouth County Democratic Party gave $8500. to Mary Aufseeser’s special election campaign? $8500.00 given in an attempt to control the outcome of our Special Election for Mayor.

Why did the Democrats pass a Resolution accusing former Mayor Mary Aufseeser of possible wrongdoing? Is this what you do to a former associate, because she lost the Mayoral campaign?

A good investigative reporter would delve into these problems, where some good can be accomplished. Instead of telling us what we already know, why not tell us something we don't know!

We do not oppose anyone doing their job. We do want to see professionals advising Matawan on construction, architectural, building safety or handicapped accessibility issues.

Borough Council Meeting 6/17 at 7:30pm

Council meets tonight at 7:30pm at 201 Broad St., Matawan Community Center.

Old business: Ordinance 08-09 - An ordinance to create the position of Municipal Housing Liaison for the purpose of administering Borough of Matawan's Affordable Housing Program Pursuant to the Fair Housing Act.

Ordiance 08-10 - Amending and Supplementing Chapter IX, "Traffic," Schedule II, regarding parking prohibited along certain streets.

Consent Agenda: This list does not include all items.

Resolution 08-06-25 Authorizing the apppointment of Personnel Summer Recreaton Program 008.

Redemption of Tax sale Certficates (2)

Resolution 08-06-18 - Approving business license - Aby's Mexican Restaurant

Resolution 08-06-26 - Adopting an Employee Supplemental Insurance Benefits Plan

Hope to see you there....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quote for the Day

In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States. Political affiliation: Democrat

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Borough Workshop Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Workshop meeting for the Borough Council will be held at 7pm at the Matawan Community Center Building located on Broad Street.
A presentation from AFLAC (hopefully they don't bring the duck) will be made for the Council's consideration regarding medical benefits.

Presentation of alternate electric service.

Discussions will include:

Red Light program. This would put cameras on Matawan traffic lights to catch traffic violators in the act. Question is what will it cost Matawan to adopt this program. While it has been said it doesn't cost us anything.....that has yet to be determined. At the very least we would have to pay for a traffic study.

Police - Review of ordiances to include 2 Lieutenants.

Four (4) day work week for July and August to reduce energy consumption. Will this be require Borough employees to make up the hours during the 4 days?

Take home vehicles -

Recreation Summer Basketball

Public comments open to the floor around 8:15pm.

Hope to see you there....................................

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Councilman Gives Courier a Tour of Police Department

The buzz in Matawan is Councilman Kevin Mendes gave a tour of the Matawan Police Department building today. Wonder who could it be...let's see who supposedly is the Matawan Democrats' weekly publication....uh, uh, uh, we got it..... we got it....none other than Alyssa P., (apologies if we spelled her name incorrectly)the Courier reporter.

What could possibly be the reason, were photos taken, will the reason for this tour be in the Courier prior to the Council meeting next week????

We will all just have to wait and see.....

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Check out the Asbury Park Press Sat., 6-7-08

Sametta Thompson, Reporter for the APP, today has a story, and we do mean story, the Democrats on the Borough Council are trying to sell to Matawan regarding Pat Menna, Esq. Check it out!
Sprinkle it with fairy dust and maybe you can find the truth in this letter sent by the Matawan Dems on Council!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Follow Up to Borough Council Meeting 6/5/08

Last night's meeting held on Thursday, June 5, 2008 was uneventful. It was great to see the Council working together. Although Councilman Malley continues to make senseless barbs at the Mayor....but ah we forget he is running for re-election. Are the Borough Council meetings the proper forum for electioneering. You decide, because we think not!

At last night's "open public" portion of the meeting a resident questioned why Key Auto Body, Councilman Kevin Mendes' family owned business, is doing work for the Borough. Councilman Mendes is the Chairman of the Fire, Police, First Aid Committee.

During the brief encounter the resident had commenced to praise Councilman "Bud" Mullaney, because at a previous meeting and in one Blog this year entitled, "Mullaney will sponsor good government in Matawan," he stated his Company, Mullaney Tire, would not be doing anymore work for the Borough. It appeared that the resident agreed with Mullaney's position and was starting to commend him.

However, Councilman Mullaney stated Mullaney Tire continues to do work for the Borough.....Abruptly, Mayor Buccellato ended the discussion and chastised the resident. Why did the Mayor stop the proceeding? The Mayor requested the Borough Attorney to speak with Councilmen Mullaney and Mendes.

Will the resident that asked the question ever get an answer? Therefore, the question we pose to the readers of this Blog is:

Is it proper for a sitting Councilperson to perform work for the Borough and receive remuneration?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Matawan Borough Council Mtg 6/5/08 @7:30pm

Tonight's Council Meeting will include but not limited to the following Resolutions:

Resolution authorizing the hiring of part time Summer Recreation Canoe Rentals.

Resolution to appoint Jason Gallo as Lieutenant Matawan Police Department.

Resolution to appoint James M. Alston as Chief of Police, Matawan Police Department.

Resolution appointing Madeline Scalzo as Deputy Court Administrator part time.

There should not be any problem with any of these resolutions being passed by the Council.

We wish all of the appointees the best of luck and success in their new positions.

Hope to see you at the meeting.....

Monday, June 2, 2008

Matawan Rotary 5K Run Walk

A reader asked if the Rotary is having its 5K Run Walk for 2008. To the best of our knowledge the answer is no. Last year the Rotary decided it didn't bring the desired results. However, the previous year they donated a defibrillator to Matawan's First Aid Squad.

Matawan's Recreation will be having its Turkey Trot Walk Run this year.

Planning and Zoning Board Special Meeting

If you are interested in what becomes of this beautiful historic home come to a special meeting at the big blue house(226 Main St) today at 6pm. The Planning & Zoning Board will be conducting a special meeting, open to the public at 6pm June 2, 2008. This will be followed by the Regular Planning and Zoning Board meeting at the Matawan Community Center at 7:30pm.
The new owner wants to create office space with parking. We believe one of the questions will be regarding number of parking spaces. While it has been discussed that the new owner will try to keep the historic integrity of the house, details were not available.
Adjacent residents are concerned with quality of life issues as the parking lot would be in close proximity to their backyard.
What we see as a problem is the Planning & Zoning Board allowed C-Town to open with less parking spaces than mandated by the Borough's Code. Therefore, did they not set a precedent for others to follow?
Have we in Matawan been betrayed by others self-interests when they pushed C-Town? Has there been no foresight in planning for the future when these decisions were made?
Let's hope the new members of the Planning & Zoning Board aren't restricted by the previous Planning & Zoning Board's actions.

If you are concerned with the preservation of Historic Sites in Matawan, come to the meeting tonight at 6pm. If you can't make the 6pm meeting, then by all means come to the Planning & Zoning Board meeting at 201 Broad St at 7:30pm.