In response to a question regarding the Matawan Alliance and Sharkfest. To the best of our knowledge there is no Sharkfest scheduled this year. The Matawan Alliance still exists though apparently inactive this year. It is reported to be made up of local businesses and residents. The proceeds from their sponsored events were to be used for the creation of a memorial to commemorate the victims of the Shark Attack.
At a Council meeting, a resident asked and was told by Councilman Malley, someone from the Matawan Alliance would be at the following meeting. This never happened! Nor has anyone seen the books outside of its membership. Councilman Mullaney and Mary Mullaney, were active last year. However, Councilman Mullaney claimed he had no information on the Matawan Alliance. Interesting to note Mullaney voted yes to donate $700. to the Matawan Alliance and Mrs. Mullaney spoke at a Council meeting on behalf of the Matawan Alliance along with Renatta Bonelli, previously of Synery Bank.
The Chamber of Commerce decided to sponsor along with the Matawan Police Department, the Annual Night Out event. Much thanks to the The Chamber of Commerce for stepping up to the plate.
When public monies are given to a group, their books should be available to the public! In the alternative, if they wish to remain cloaked in secrecy, then don't request tax dollars.
At a Council meeting, a resident asked and was told by Councilman Malley, someone from the Matawan Alliance would be at the following meeting. This never happened! Nor has anyone seen the books outside of its membership. Councilman Mullaney and Mary Mullaney, were active last year. However, Councilman Mullaney claimed he had no information on the Matawan Alliance. Interesting to note Mullaney voted yes to donate $700. to the Matawan Alliance and Mrs. Mullaney spoke at a Council meeting on behalf of the Matawan Alliance along with Renatta Bonelli, previously of Synery Bank.
The Chamber of Commerce decided to sponsor along with the Matawan Police Department, the Annual Night Out event. Much thanks to the The Chamber of Commerce for stepping up to the plate.
When public monies are given to a group, their books should be available to the public! In the alternative, if they wish to remain cloaked in secrecy, then don't request tax dollars.
Speaking of memorials, has anyone checked out the Sun Dial in Memorial park? All that's left is the granite column. The dial itself has been missing for many years. (Stolen and sold for scrap, maybe?) There's gray spray paint on the column, and has been since at least the 1970's.
I would think that it wouldn't take much to refurbish it. Does anyone know of any plans for the sun dial?
downtown susie, good question. We will check it out and respond as soon as possible.
Sounds like a good idea for the Matawan Alliance. If they are looking for a place for the money in lieu of a memorial to victims of the shark attack.
In the interim, anyone know what has happened? Please let us know in order for us to look into replacing the sun dial. Thanks again downtown susie.
The article about the 1916 shark attacks was featured on wikipedia last year and seen by millions. I can't believe that Matawan has chosen not to make sharkfest into a yearly event. I hope they bring it back next year, but I won't hold my breath.
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