Matawan Borough will hold the first monthly meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30pm at 201 Broad Street. On the Agenda is the Presentation of Oaths to the following members of the Matawan Police Department, James A. Alston will be sworn in as Chief of Police, Jason D. Gallo, Benedict J. Smith III, Patrick Walker, Jeremiah E. Hourihan III are promoted. Michael Pascone will be entering the Police Academy as a Probationary Police Officer. Former Chief McGpwan officially retires on 7-1-08. We wish all of the Policemen the best of luck and may God watch over them as they "protect and serve" us. Chief McGowan, thanks for many years of service to this community. Enjoy your retirement.
Unrelated comment: When a person has a house with a re-evaluation of $200,000 gets a bigger tax bill than a person with a house valued at $218,000, and the hoses are side by side, then some one in the tax department should lose their job!!! The lower valued house is paying over $200 more in estimated taxes this Quarter??!!
All questions referring to property taxes should be referred to the Borough office. The telephone # is 732 566 3898. Sure someone there will be able to assist you. Good luck and please let us know how you make out.
Sorry we couldn't be more help.
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