Privilege of the Floor - Former Councilwoman Donna Gould asked what Councilman Bunyon did to lead the Redevelopment Committee out of litigation as stated in the Bunyon/Malley political flyer. Well, Councilman Mullaney stated that Bunyon's wife is an attorney. What was Mullaney implying Bunyon discussed this matter with his wife? Still haven't gotten the connection. But we know B.S. when we hear it. According to the flyer, an inexperienced appointed Councilman Bunyon and Councilman Malley singlehandly lead the Redevelopment Committee out of litigation. If you believe this story they have one of those "big" political signs to put in front of your house. Apparently, Mullaney, Cannon, Mendes, don't believe it either as they don't have any of those big signs in front of their houses. Guess what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander! Now don't the residents who allowed them to put up those "big" signs in front of their homes feel used.
Residents from Lakeside Drive complained to the Council regarding a neighbor who allegedly violating building rules and regulations. They brought photos for the Council's review.These same residents have come to several meetings asking for the Council's explanation. Councilman Mullaney, Chairman of Public Works, Streets, Roads, Buildings Grounds and Property Maintenance was strangely silent. No assistance or explanation from Mullaney was given.
Mullaney did report the amount of building permits issued and the amount collected by the Building Department during his Report to Council.
Recreation Report - Councilman Bunyon thanked the Mayor for appointing two new members to the Recreation Committee. We wish them the best of luck.
Engineering Report - Borough Engineer, Bill White of Maser Consulting, reported that the bids for the 2008 Road Program will be discussed at the Workshop meeting. The Council will be bonding for the remainder of the money needed to pay for the expanded Road Program. The question is with the current financial climate, will Matawan be able to get bonding?
Old Business - Resolution 08-09-42 Approving Funds for Emergency Gravelly Brook Park. POSTPONED. There is a discrepancy as to who declared this emergency as the Council did not authorize the funding. Councilman Mullaney had stated Anthony Bucco declared it was an emergency. Mayor Buccellato disagreed saying he spoke with Mr. Bucco and Mr. Bucco denied it. This kind of nonsense delays progress in Matawan. It appears one of the lamp posts at Gravelly Brook Park fell down almost hitting a visitor to the park. Somehow all the lamp posts were taken down, the holes filled in (safety issue.) Now here is where it gets confusing Councilman Mullaney at a Council meeting stated that he and Chief Alston, at no cost to the Borough, saved the Borough money by having all the lamp posts removed. Confused yet? We were....Now the Borough receives bills totalling $1900+/-. are you still there......the way we see it one (1) lamp post fell down and had to be removed. We have yet to find out who authorized the taking down of all the remaining lamp posts. You see spending taxpayer dollars must be a decision reached by the entire Council, not one member. One pole falling would constitute an emergency, removing all is not. We should learn more at the Workshop meeting.
New Business - Resolution Authorizing the Borough of Matawan Police Dept to Hire a Class II Special Police Officer. This Resolution received a unanimous yes vote. It was explained by Councilman Mendes, Councilman Malley and Councilman Mullaney that the hiring of a Special Police Officer will save the Borough money. The use of a Special will be cheaper than paying for a Police Officer.
Payment of Bills - Councilman Mendes, Chairman of Public Safety, Police, Fire & First Aid abstained from voting to pay the bill from his family owned business, Key Auto Body. Kudos to Councilman Mendes for abstaining. The question remains is it appropriate for the Chairman of the Public Safety Commission's family business to perform work for the Borough or should the work go out for bid?
At this time of financial crisis with stockss falling, 401Ks sinking, business closings and foreclosures rising, wish we had some positive, happy news in Matawan. Guess when you hit bottom the only way is up.
Hope to see you at the next Borough Workshop meeting....
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