This is an item that should have been resolved a long time ago. The Council is still talking, talking, talking. The Mayor has pushed them to make a decision and give the family that has raw sewerage backing up into their home relief. That is what this is all about. Now if this Council can't make a decision when raw sewerage is coming into a homeowner's residence, then how can we expect them to make any serious decisions on anything!
That brings us to another item. Resolution 08-10-17 Authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to pay $4,750. to Signs by J.K. for the fabrication and installation of Signs for Terhune Park, Clinton Street Park, Gravelly Brook Park, Freneau Park and Ravine Drive Park according to a proposal #317 dated August 28, 2008.
Kinda of reminds us of Nero fiddling while Rome burns to the ground! With a deficit of $500,000 and growing what does our Council decide to do.......why vote on a resolution for signs for the Parks in Matawan. Guess Councilman Mullaney, Councilman Malley and Councilman Bunyon thinks this is more important than trying to cut the Budget costs. The signs are beautiful and a welcome addition to Matawan. However, wish the Council could move this quick to make Budget cuts.
Wonder if Signs by J.K. made all those huge political signs we see all over Matawan? Just wondering.....
Speaking of Budget items, Ordinance 08-17 will be introduced tonight. This Ordinance pertains to Fix and Determine the Salaries and Wages of Officiers, Management, Supervisory Personnel and General Employees not Represented by an Organized Bargaining Unit and Employed by the Borough of Matawan, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
How can you say no to the Borough employees after the Borough Council has given others benefits, perks or raises?
We are anxious to hear what the Council has to say tonight. Expect a whole lot of political BS tonight.
Hope to see you there.....
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