Well folks Election Time in Matawan is here. Matawan's Planning & Zoning Board has failed us. It has been a year since the last Borough election and less than a year since the Special Election. Last year everyone was appalled to see the size of the political signs. People complained about Main St being inundated with signs to the point of looking trashy. People complained about businesses displaying "big" signs. People complained about the resident who had one of those "big" signs on their lawn with lights. We agree, the signs are an eyesore. People have already made up their minds by election day and chances are they will not have a last minute epiphany and change their minds.
Call us dreamers, but we were ever hopeful the Matawan Planning & Zoning Board would implement a sign ordinance outlining the size of political signs. As a matter of fact it would be a good idea for the sake of continuity to have guidelines for all signage. Signage should include banning those stupid little advertisement signs stuck into the grass.
Without mentioning parties, you would think the "party" that lined the Main Street strip mall with political signs the day of the special election and had "BIG" signs all over the Borough have learned that "Bigger isn't always better!" They lost the Mayoral election in spite of their attempt to "brain wash" us to voting for their candidate.
We must consider the candidates on their merits and not the amount or size of their political signs.
As we have seen in the Mayoral election, every vote counts. Let's not forget to get out and vote.
To answer our own question, Bigger Isn't Always Better!
Call us dreamers, but we were ever hopeful the Matawan Planning & Zoning Board would implement a sign ordinance outlining the size of political signs. As a matter of fact it would be a good idea for the sake of continuity to have guidelines for all signage. Signage should include banning those stupid little advertisement signs stuck into the grass.
Without mentioning parties, you would think the "party" that lined the Main Street strip mall with political signs the day of the special election and had "BIG" signs all over the Borough have learned that "Bigger isn't always better!" They lost the Mayoral election in spite of their attempt to "brain wash" us to voting for their candidate.
We must consider the candidates on their merits and not the amount or size of their political signs.
As we have seen in the Mayoral election, every vote counts. Let's not forget to get out and vote.
To answer our own question, Bigger Isn't Always Better!
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