Memorial Day – A day to remember those who served our Country. A day to remember those who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom.
WHAT IT IS NOT IS A DAY FOR POLITICKING! Mayor Aufseeser demonstrated a total disregard for our Veterans and the memory of our fallen soldiers. She used the Matawan Memorial Day Parade, to kick off her campaign for re-election. Mayor Aufseeser in a tactless maneuver gave out personalized pencils that read, "Mayor Mary Aufseeser" to the crowd as she walked the parade route. This latest demonstration of the self-serving positioning of the current administration is a smack in the face to every Veteran. Mayor Aufseeser and the Borough Council members who handed out pencils, embarrassed themselves and this Borough! Is there nothing that remains sacred!
Up for re-election, Freeholder Rob Clifton and Councilman Paul Buccellato (Mayoral candidate) participated in the Parade. Both exhibited dignity and respect for our Veterans. At least they know the proper decorum for such events!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Shocking Senatorial Votes
A departure from the Matawan Borough data usually discussed on this Blog, this information just irked me. Many of us have parents, grandparents and perhaps ourselves immigrated to this Country. However, they had to learn the language. No special favors given to them. They also paid taxes and social security and as far as I know not one of them EVER asked for a hand out. Nope, no welfare, food stamps, free medical care. Makes you wonder how they survived! It is called HARD WORK! They became citizens of this great country and considered it to be an honor. Never saw a foreign flag hanging next to the American flag in my neighborhood. They were proud to fly the American flag. Suggest you write to your Senators and let them know how you feel. Whether you agree or not!
The following senators voted against making English the official
language of America :
Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-C A)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)<< /FONT>
Lieberman (D-CT)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mik ulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wyden (D-OR)
Now, the following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens
Social Security benefits.They are grouped by home state. If a state is
listed,there was no voting representative.
Alaska: Stevens (R)
Arizona: McCain (R)
Arkansas: Lincoln (D); Pryor (D)
California: Boxer (D): Feinstein (D)
Colorado: Salazar (D)
Connecticut: Dodd (D); Lieberman (D)
Delaware: Biden (D): Carper (D)
Florida: Martinez (R)
Hawaii: Akaka (D): Inouye (D)
Illinois: Durbin (D): Obama (D)
Indiana: Bayh (D): Lugar (R)
Iowa: Harkin (D)
Kansas: Brownback (R)
Louisiana: Landrieu (D)
Maryland: Mikulski (D); Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D); Kerry (D)
Montana: Baucus (D)
Nebraska: Hagel (R)
Nevada: Reid (D)
New Jersey: Lautenberg (D); Menendez (D)
New Mexico: Bingaman (D)
New York:Clinton (D); Schumer (D)
North Dakota: Dorgan (D)
Ohio: DeWine (R); Voinovich(R)
Oregon: Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania: Specter (R)
Rhode Island: Chafee (R); Reed (D)
South Carolina: Graham (R)
South Dakota: Johnson (D)
Vermont: Jeffords (I); Leahy (D)
Washington: Cantwell (D); Murray (D)
West Virginia: Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin: Feingold (D); Kohl (D)
The following senators voted against making English the official
language of America :
Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-C A)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)<< /FONT>
Lieberman (D-CT)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mik ulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wyden (D-OR)
Now, the following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens
Social Security benefits.They are grouped by home state. If a state is
listed,there was no voting representative.
Alaska: Stevens (R)
Arizona: McCain (R)
Arkansas: Lincoln (D); Pryor (D)
California: Boxer (D): Feinstein (D)
Colorado: Salazar (D)
Connecticut: Dodd (D); Lieberman (D)
Delaware: Biden (D): Carper (D)
Florida: Martinez (R)
Hawaii: Akaka (D): Inouye (D)
Illinois: Durbin (D): Obama (D)
Indiana: Bayh (D): Lugar (R)
Iowa: Harkin (D)
Kansas: Brownback (R)
Louisiana: Landrieu (D)
Maryland: Mikulski (D); Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D); Kerry (D)
Montana: Baucus (D)
Nebraska: Hagel (R)
Nevada: Reid (D)
New Jersey: Lautenberg (D); Menendez (D)
New Mexico: Bingaman (D)
New York:Clinton (D); Schumer (D)
North Dakota: Dorgan (D)
Ohio: DeWine (R); Voinovich(R)
Oregon: Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania: Specter (R)
Rhode Island: Chafee (R); Reed (D)
South Carolina: Graham (R)
South Dakota: Johnson (D)
Vermont: Jeffords (I); Leahy (D)
Washington: Cantwell (D); Murray (D)
West Virginia: Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin: Feingold (D); Kohl (D)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Update to Matawan Planning/Zoning Board Mtg
Typical of this administration the Planning & Zoning Board meeting last night was a fiasco. Around 8:15pm, the meeting was rescheduled to Monday, June 18, 2007 at 7:30pm. To the chagrin of the people in attendance, there was no quorum. It boggles the mind to think of the 11 members including alternates, the Planning & Zoning Board were one person short for a quorum! Residents most affected by this Development were told there are to be no further written notice of the rescheduled meeting. It would be prudent for the Borough to post this notice on the signboards outside the Community Center and Borough Hall. At the very least, have the rescheduling published in local newspapers.
Personal observations: The Planning & Zoning Board exhibited the attitude of persons engaged in a hobby not in a functioning government body. The Developer and his entourage attended with maps, diagrams and data to make his application. The action of the Board does not encourage the Developer to negotiate with the Borough in a positive manner. The Developer spent monies to be prepared, only to be met with delay. Delay is a negative in construction. Mayor Aufseeser in her appointments to the Board used poor judgment by not placing persons with backgrounds or experience in Planning, Zoning or even construction. If we wanted a car repaired, we have a member who sells tires and a member who does body work….. We have a member who attempted to run for Borough Council last year, dropped out last minute, now is running in the upcoming election for a Borough Council seat. Amazing he was not in attendance at last night’s meeting. Mr. Bunyon you lost the opportunity to make a difference, which voters should keep in mind at election time.
Residents had an opportunity to look at the conceptual drawings of the development. While the postponed meeting delayed the progress, important issues pertaining to current resident problems could not be addressed.
Would we be facing this problem if the Redevelopment of the Transit Village had proceeded as scheduled? Thanks to Aberdeen’s Developer, Silver Oaks we will never know.
Personal observations: The Planning & Zoning Board exhibited the attitude of persons engaged in a hobby not in a functioning government body. The Developer and his entourage attended with maps, diagrams and data to make his application. The action of the Board does not encourage the Developer to negotiate with the Borough in a positive manner. The Developer spent monies to be prepared, only to be met with delay. Delay is a negative in construction. Mayor Aufseeser in her appointments to the Board used poor judgment by not placing persons with backgrounds or experience in Planning, Zoning or even construction. If we wanted a car repaired, we have a member who sells tires and a member who does body work….. We have a member who attempted to run for Borough Council last year, dropped out last minute, now is running in the upcoming election for a Borough Council seat. Amazing he was not in attendance at last night’s meeting. Mr. Bunyon you lost the opportunity to make a difference, which voters should keep in mind at election time.
Residents had an opportunity to look at the conceptual drawings of the development. While the postponed meeting delayed the progress, important issues pertaining to current resident problems could not be addressed.
Would we be facing this problem if the Redevelopment of the Transit Village had proceeded as scheduled? Thanks to Aberdeen’s Developer, Silver Oaks we will never know.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Planning & Zoning Board mtg Mon. 5/21 @ 7:30pm
Interested in the impact the new development on Route 79 (former Sloan Paper Products property) attend a "special meeting" of the Planning & Zoning Board at 7:30 pm tonight at 201 Broad St. Matawan. Not too much publicity about this meeting, wonder if it was intentional. Residents of the immediate area and the entire Borough will be impacted by this project. If you don't have a say in this matter can't cry about it later. Don't be misled by the current Board into thinking that we taxpayers are mandated to pay for developing this property. The Developer will make money off this project not the Borough and as such should be financially responsible for development. Proceeding with caution with taxpayer monies is paramount to a successful project.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Circus is Coming to Town
Has anyone else seen the awning in the back of C-Town? I don't think even the Circus would use those colors. The color is awful and does not fit in with the look we are trying to achieve in Matawan. The color is an orange-red--hardly burgundy or maroon as sources had reported. The C-Town lettering certainly is not gold. Well folks just can't wait to see what the front entrance will look like. Is the Matawan Historic Commission paying attention? Or perhaps they haven't seen what C-Town's owner thinks is maroon! Can't wait until the store opens---parking should be a nighmare. Especially for the Salon and homes across from the C-Town parking lot.
Let's all keep an eye on this store and see if it is really what you envision in our Borough.
Let's all keep an eye on this store and see if it is really what you envision in our Borough.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Council Meeting 5/15/07 Information
Correction: The Matawan Advocate on 5-14-07 incorrectly printed Borough Council meeting was for that night. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. FYI, the next meeting is scheduled for Thurs., June 7, at 7:30pm.
On to the last meeting. Mayor Aufseeser and Councilman Malley were not in attendance. Congratulations to Councilman and Mrs. Malley on the birth of their twins. As you can imagine, the twins must be keeping them quite busy. We look forward to his returning to his duties on the Council when possible.
Senior member of the Council, Councilwoman Debra Buragina, conducted the meeting in the Mayor’s absence. Highlights of the meeting were the swearing in of Probationary Patrolman Paul Ryba. Witnessed by his family, friends, fellow officers, and the Community and followed by a standing ovation. Congratulations to Patrolman Ryba and his family. Given to four young women from Girls Scouts Troop 476 was a Proclamation recognizing their commitment and achievements in the Community. Bravo!
Parking Issues: Resident Andy Lopez and neighbor, Suzie Ferrera of Union St., addressed Councilman Michael Cannon’s comments at the previous meeting. Mrs. Ferrera acknowledged that she was one of several residents of Union St. who contacted the Borough regarding parking problems. Councilman Cannon claimed he had no knowledge of the letters sent to the Borough re: parking problems, Per Cannon, parking solutions for the entire Borough is in processing and a solution will be forthcoming. Pat Menna, Esq. stated a resolution could be presented to the Council by the next meeting.
Donations to Non-Profit Organizations: Councilman Buccellato, was correct, the Matawan Alliance is not filed as a non-profit organization with the IRS. No political positioning, he presented a legitimate question for the benefit of Matawan Borough. According to reliable sources, proper procedures are being established for future charitable donations from the Borough. Kudos Councilman! Another questions re: Matawan Alliance, this is a duplication of services as Matawan has a Recreation Committee. Why give money to the Matawan Alliance that can be utilized by the Recreation Committee for summer programs for the children of Matawan? The Boy Scouts was another questionable donation. While a worthwhile group that contributes to the Community, the Boy Scouts discriminate. Not being an attorney, cannot state specifics. Doesn’t this prohibit them from accepting donations from Municipalities?
With a Budget increase of approximately $1,300,000 over last year; charitable donations are questionable and should be directed into existing Borough Committees for the good of all residents. This brings us to the FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS! Now here is a place for that money that certain members of the Council want to donate. Per Councilman Cannon, a final decision is pending. The bottom line is that we can have fireworks with some modifications. Doable, not impossible!
Councilwoman Buragina did an outstanding job in the Mayor's absence. She handled the position as only a seasoned Councilperson could!
On to the last meeting. Mayor Aufseeser and Councilman Malley were not in attendance. Congratulations to Councilman and Mrs. Malley on the birth of their twins. As you can imagine, the twins must be keeping them quite busy. We look forward to his returning to his duties on the Council when possible.
Senior member of the Council, Councilwoman Debra Buragina, conducted the meeting in the Mayor’s absence. Highlights of the meeting were the swearing in of Probationary Patrolman Paul Ryba. Witnessed by his family, friends, fellow officers, and the Community and followed by a standing ovation. Congratulations to Patrolman Ryba and his family. Given to four young women from Girls Scouts Troop 476 was a Proclamation recognizing their commitment and achievements in the Community. Bravo!
Parking Issues: Resident Andy Lopez and neighbor, Suzie Ferrera of Union St., addressed Councilman Michael Cannon’s comments at the previous meeting. Mrs. Ferrera acknowledged that she was one of several residents of Union St. who contacted the Borough regarding parking problems. Councilman Cannon claimed he had no knowledge of the letters sent to the Borough re: parking problems, Per Cannon, parking solutions for the entire Borough is in processing and a solution will be forthcoming. Pat Menna, Esq. stated a resolution could be presented to the Council by the next meeting.
Donations to Non-Profit Organizations: Councilman Buccellato, was correct, the Matawan Alliance is not filed as a non-profit organization with the IRS. No political positioning, he presented a legitimate question for the benefit of Matawan Borough. According to reliable sources, proper procedures are being established for future charitable donations from the Borough. Kudos Councilman! Another questions re: Matawan Alliance, this is a duplication of services as Matawan has a Recreation Committee. Why give money to the Matawan Alliance that can be utilized by the Recreation Committee for summer programs for the children of Matawan? The Boy Scouts was another questionable donation. While a worthwhile group that contributes to the Community, the Boy Scouts discriminate. Not being an attorney, cannot state specifics. Doesn’t this prohibit them from accepting donations from Municipalities?
With a Budget increase of approximately $1,300,000 over last year; charitable donations are questionable and should be directed into existing Borough Committees for the good of all residents. This brings us to the FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS! Now here is a place for that money that certain members of the Council want to donate. Per Councilman Cannon, a final decision is pending. The bottom line is that we can have fireworks with some modifications. Doable, not impossible!
Councilwoman Buragina did an outstanding job in the Mayor's absence. She handled the position as only a seasoned Councilperson could!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Matawan Boro Council Mtg Tonight at 7:30pm
The Borough Council meeting presumably will announce the decision on donations to the Matawan Alliance and the Boy Scouts of America. My take on these donations is that they are not to be made. Not because they aren't worthy of financial donations, personal donations would be legal. If Councilman Mullaney wishes to donate $700. from his personal funds to the Boys Scouts of America no one could object. However, Matawan Borough should not donate to any organization that descriminates. As to the Matawan Alliance, they are not registered as a non profit agnecy by the IRS thereby are not entitled to donations from the Borough. What happens to the monies they have already collected and the people who have donated in good faith to this agency? The original Downtown Matawan Alliance, since disbanded, never received money from the Borough Council, nor did they ask for it. Afterall, wasn't it the Downtown Matawan Alliance that provided the funds for the pocket park next to the Post Office?
The question is WHY are we donating money when our budget has not been adopted to date! Let's hope at the next meeting we will be enlightened as to the procedures and criteria for donations, when we can afford it.
Following this fiasco, it is time that we have the Council give details on monthly expenditures for the Borough. Why spend more money on litigation to correct a problem when it can be avoided simply by keeping a watchful eye on WHO. WHAT and HOW our tax money is being spent.
Add this to the list of reasons you might want to attend a Matawan Borough Council Meeting.
The question is WHY are we donating money when our budget has not been adopted to date! Let's hope at the next meeting we will be enlightened as to the procedures and criteria for donations, when we can afford it.
Following this fiasco, it is time that we have the Council give details on monthly expenditures for the Borough. Why spend more money on litigation to correct a problem when it can be avoided simply by keeping a watchful eye on WHO. WHAT and HOW our tax money is being spent.
Add this to the list of reasons you might want to attend a Matawan Borough Council Meeting.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Mullaneyville or Matawan? YOU decide!
You had to be there. That’s right you just had to be there to see the attitudes at the 5/1/07 Matawan Borough Council meeting! Resolution 07-05-09 Payment of Bills, raised questions from Councilman Paul Buccellato regarding donations and the procedures and criteria used in such determinations. Buccellato questioned the IRS status of one such charity, the Matawan Alliance stating to his knowledge there was no record of filing with the IRS of this group. Apparently, if there is a criterion, all Council Members and the public have not been made aware of it.
As a layperson, we must ask why is Matawan giving away money?
a) our Budget hasn’t been adopted yet
b) the voters didn’t pass the school budget, and
c) if Matawan has $4900. to donate, can we afford to be so magnanimous?
In a previous Council Meeting, Councilman Michael Cannon was heard saying, we have to count our pennies. While we are counting pennies, did we forget the dollars? We are currently looking at a Budget INCREASE of over $1.3 million dollars between the 2006 & 2007 municipal budget. Who is kidding whom here?
In a defiant move, Councilman “Bud” Mullaney and his daughter, Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney went against the advice of Borough Council Attorney; Pat Menna, Esq. to delay payment pending investigation and attempted to pass a resolution to donate monies to the Matawan Alliance and the Boy Scouts of America. Mary Mullaney, a founding member of the Matawan Alliance, took to the podium, in a failed attempt to display a file folder containing paperwork purported to be IRS filing. Well, it turns out that the Borough Attorney, Pat Menna, Esq., is investigating the Matawan Alliance’s IRS status. This raises questions regarding the legal ramifications of all donations made to this group. We trust Mr. Menna will have the answers and can resolve this issue. Councilman Mullaney and Councilwoman Mullaney would have placed the Borough in legal jeopardy had it not been for the advice of our Borough Attorney, Mr. Menna and the initial question asked by Councilman Buccellato. As to donations, past and present look to the next Council meeting and the findings of the Borough Attorney for guidance.
It is prudent as witnessed by present events that we establish and publicize guidelines for charitable donations given by the Borough. It is clear if we have such guidelines in place not everyone is aware.
Following the actions of certain Councilpersons, it is timely for a refresher course in “responsibilities, ethics, duties and obligations” of Council Members. No elected official should knowingly jeopardize the Borough for his or her own egos!
As a layperson, we must ask why is Matawan giving away money?
a) our Budget hasn’t been adopted yet
b) the voters didn’t pass the school budget, and
c) if Matawan has $4900. to donate, can we afford to be so magnanimous?
In a previous Council Meeting, Councilman Michael Cannon was heard saying, we have to count our pennies. While we are counting pennies, did we forget the dollars? We are currently looking at a Budget INCREASE of over $1.3 million dollars between the 2006 & 2007 municipal budget. Who is kidding whom here?
In a defiant move, Councilman “Bud” Mullaney and his daughter, Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney went against the advice of Borough Council Attorney; Pat Menna, Esq. to delay payment pending investigation and attempted to pass a resolution to donate monies to the Matawan Alliance and the Boy Scouts of America. Mary Mullaney, a founding member of the Matawan Alliance, took to the podium, in a failed attempt to display a file folder containing paperwork purported to be IRS filing. Well, it turns out that the Borough Attorney, Pat Menna, Esq., is investigating the Matawan Alliance’s IRS status. This raises questions regarding the legal ramifications of all donations made to this group. We trust Mr. Menna will have the answers and can resolve this issue. Councilman Mullaney and Councilwoman Mullaney would have placed the Borough in legal jeopardy had it not been for the advice of our Borough Attorney, Mr. Menna and the initial question asked by Councilman Buccellato. As to donations, past and present look to the next Council meeting and the findings of the Borough Attorney for guidance.
It is prudent as witnessed by present events that we establish and publicize guidelines for charitable donations given by the Borough. It is clear if we have such guidelines in place not everyone is aware.
Following the actions of certain Councilpersons, it is timely for a refresher course in “responsibilities, ethics, duties and obligations” of Council Members. No elected official should knowingly jeopardize the Borough for his or her own egos!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Follow Up on Council Meeting 5/1/07
Andrew Lopez, a resident of Matawan, stated "there is no leadership on the Council." Truer words were never spoken! Councilman Cannon became obviously annoyed at the residents disappointment with the Council for not acting on parking matters and lack of progress in other Borough matters. Councilman Cannon chastised the resident as being the only one to attend meetings and state the problems. Has Councilman Cannon forgotten he is a public servant and responsible to the residents of Matawan? Whether it is one resident or one hundred! What exactly is Cannon's agenda? He is a resident, not a homeowner. Therefore, is not impacted to the degree homeowners are to the increases in Matawan's 2007 Budget or the Matawan-Aberdeen School Board Budget. We know, the increase is reflected in the rent paid to the landlord, we've heard it all before. The reality is it is easier to pick up and move to, let's say Florida, for a renter than it is for someone who has their life savings tied to their home in Matawan. Obviously, the financial investment in the community doesn't compare. Councilman Cannon should address Mr. Lopez' concerns with the respect and dignity a resident deserves.
Union Street got the "shaft" in what is considered to be a politically motivated decision to replace Union St. Phase II program with Little Street and Orchard Street. Apparently, the notarized petition signed by approximately 90% of Union St, requesting the paving of Union Street in its entirety wasn't considered enough of a statement. Although supported by Councilman Buccellato, Councilwoman Buragina, former Councilman Mendelsohn and former Councilwoman Gould. The current majority of the Council in what is called "a dog and pony show" haven't moved forward on the Road project, thereby losing the grant from NJ State DOT. It's called, "you loose." While they were busy with photo opts for their own egos, Matawan lost $$$$. So every time you drive down Matawan's hills and valleys (they no longer qualify as roads) thank the current Borough Council.
Union Street got the "shaft" in what is considered to be a politically motivated decision to replace Union St. Phase II program with Little Street and Orchard Street. Apparently, the notarized petition signed by approximately 90% of Union St, requesting the paving of Union Street in its entirety wasn't considered enough of a statement. Although supported by Councilman Buccellato, Councilwoman Buragina, former Councilman Mendelsohn and former Councilwoman Gould. The current majority of the Council in what is called "a dog and pony show" haven't moved forward on the Road project, thereby losing the grant from NJ State DOT. It's called, "you loose." While they were busy with photo opts for their own egos, Matawan lost $$$$. So every time you drive down Matawan's hills and valleys (they no longer qualify as roads) thank the current Borough Council.
Matawan's Own Freeholder Rob Clifton
As reported in the Asbury Park Press on Wed., May 2, 2007, Matawan's own Freeholder Rob Clifton made Matawan proud. Our former Mayor and his running mate, Jeff Cantor called for the resignation of Annie W. Grant of the Monmouth County Tax Board for excessive spending of taxpayers dollars in Monmouth County. Details of County business trips taken by Ms. Grant and upcoming trips planned to Alaska were mentioned in the APP article.
Freeholder Rob Clifton & his running mate Jeff Cantor, candidate for freeholder, are the type of people we want to see in government. Regardless of party affiliation they saw wasteful spending and exposed it for what it is! Thanks to Freeholder Clifton and his running mate Jeff Cantor for their mission to end wasteful spending and the expansion of political appointees in Monmouth County. We wish them continued success in exposing and curtailing excessive spending in government. Keep this in mind this November when you cast your votes for Freeholders in Monmouth County.
Freeholder Rob Clifton & his running mate Jeff Cantor, candidate for freeholder, are the type of people we want to see in government. Regardless of party affiliation they saw wasteful spending and exposed it for what it is! Thanks to Freeholder Clifton and his running mate Jeff Cantor for their mission to end wasteful spending and the expansion of political appointees in Monmouth County. We wish them continued success in exposing and curtailing excessive spending in government. Keep this in mind this November when you cast your votes for Freeholders in Monmouth County.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Matawan Boro Council Mtg Tonight at 7:30pm
Wonders will never cease.....finally the Borough Council will vote to award the contract for Phase I of the 2006 Road Program tonight. Sources have it that Union Street has been deleted from the proposed 2007 Road Program......WHY? Did Union Street repair itself? Did Councilman Mullaney have the DPW patch all the potholes and make the street appear level and safe? Oooooooooooooooh yes, we are waiting for the proverbial "Aid" from other sources. Matawan should have a "LIVE AID CONCERT" to get our streets and roads done. Maybe we can get Bruce Springsteen to perform. Didn't Mayor Aufseeser associate Asbury Park and Matawan when it came to a Redevelopment appointment? While the current Borough Council has sat on their hands these last few years our streets and roads have deteriorated. Has anyone considered that Matawan may not get the "municipal aid" and the effects it would have on the road program? Do we have an alternate plan?
Once again, we cannot stress enough how the attendance of Matawan residents is critical to a "government by the people, for the people." Don't let the current elected officials dictate how your money is spent. Guide them with your voice and concerns. If you don't agree with what is going on in Matawan...SPEAK UP! Complacency will not get the roads improved, will not get the Transit Village redeveloped, will not improve the quality of life in Matawan.
We are the minority, we attend every Borough Council meeting and report on this Blog from a resident, taxpayer, homeowner, layperson point of view. Please join us at these meetings.
Once again, we cannot stress enough how the attendance of Matawan residents is critical to a "government by the people, for the people." Don't let the current elected officials dictate how your money is spent. Guide them with your voice and concerns. If you don't agree with what is going on in Matawan...SPEAK UP! Complacency will not get the roads improved, will not get the Transit Village redeveloped, will not improve the quality of life in Matawan.
We are the minority, we attend every Borough Council meeting and report on this Blog from a resident, taxpayer, homeowner, layperson point of view. Please join us at these meetings.
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