Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Matawan Boro Council Mtg Tonight at 7:30pm

Wonders will never cease.....finally the Borough Council will vote to award the contract for Phase I of the 2006 Road Program tonight. Sources have it that Union Street has been deleted from the proposed 2007 Road Program......WHY? Did Union Street repair itself? Did Councilman Mullaney have the DPW patch all the potholes and make the street appear level and safe? Oooooooooooooooh yes, we are waiting for the proverbial "Aid" from other sources. Matawan should have a "LIVE AID CONCERT" to get our streets and roads done. Maybe we can get Bruce Springsteen to perform. Didn't Mayor Aufseeser associate Asbury Park and Matawan when it came to a Redevelopment appointment? While the current Borough Council has sat on their hands these last few years our streets and roads have deteriorated. Has anyone considered that Matawan may not get the "municipal aid" and the effects it would have on the road program? Do we have an alternate plan?

Once again, we cannot stress enough how the attendance of Matawan residents is critical to a "government by the people, for the people." Don't let the current elected officials dictate how your money is spent. Guide them with your voice and concerns. If you don't agree with what is going on in Matawan...SPEAK UP! Complacency will not get the roads improved, will not get the Transit Village redeveloped, will not improve the quality of life in Matawan.
We are the minority, we attend every Borough Council meeting and report on this Blog from a resident, taxpayer, homeowner, layperson point of view. Please join us at these meetings.

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