Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Circus is Coming to Town

Has anyone else seen the awning in the back of C-Town? I don't think even the Circus would use those colors. The color is awful and does not fit in with the look we are trying to achieve in Matawan. The color is an orange-red--hardly burgundy or maroon as sources had reported. The C-Town lettering certainly is not gold. Well folks just can't wait to see what the front entrance will look like. Is the Matawan Historic Commission paying attention? Or perhaps they haven't seen what C-Town's owner thinks is maroon! Can't wait until the store opens---parking should be a nighmare. Especially for the Salon and homes across from the C-Town parking lot.

Let's all keep an eye on this store and see if it is really what you envision in our Borough.


Anonymous said...

THIS IS MY FIRST TIME READING THIS MATAWAN ADVOCATE: YOUR COMPLETE PROFILE: EMPTY!!!! I beleive you are Paul Buccellato!! if not: then his Mortimer puppet!!Of course you must approve all comments,how else would you "control" what is written. Why don't you bring up all the law suits against the town of Matawan, caused by the "past adminstrations" and how many were lost because of their poor decisions!!! Manny,Manny wasted taxpayers dollars!!! Of course not, YOU ARE A ONE STREET as I see thru you.

matawan advocate said...

Taxpayer, you commented on a post dated May 17, 2007 regarding C-Town. Comments are monitored in order to prevent slanderous comments from being posted. And the point of your comment was.....
Thanks for you comment.

Anonymous said...

Some one else used Taxpayer I.D. not I. Will change my name,as I said first time last night.

Truth In Matawan said...

We'll take advantage of Taxpayer's timely post to point out that despite your post, parking woes seem to be the least of C-Town's problems. Why did you write this in the first place? Did you like the beautiful bright orange of Harris Hardware's signs and the blight of an empty building on Main Street?

Anonymous said...

Advocate: The point is someone shoudn't write about how great he is!!!You understand that.I believe you are Paul B. pretenting to be Matawan Advocate!!! Surely you know how manny law suits were brought against the town{especially from the police depaartment} because of "BAD judgements on part of the town council when Republicans were in control. Lost of hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money!!!Don't deny you can't remember.

matawan advocate said...

herky2, Firstly, being anonymous is what we allow on this Blog. That means people like you are allowed to comment without anyone knowing who you are. That applies to us as well. Without anonymity people wouldn't feel free to comment. Just like you.

Paul Buccellato is NOT on the team who write this blog. Mayor Buccellato, to our knowledge does not read Blogs. Think he has enough to do, don't you?

matawan advocate said...

Truth, This was written because the Historic Commission and Planning & Zoning Board set guidelines so that the Boroughs signage would have some continuity.

As far as we know there were no signage guidelines at that time.
Harris Hardware was a Matawan fixture for many, many years. Sorry to see them go.

Would like to see the Beacon Main St Study utilized to improve Main St.