Thursday, January 29, 2009

Matawan Borough "Responsible Contractor"

Good article in this week's Independent written by reporter, Erin Stattel. If you are interesting in reading a more in depth story about Mayor Buccellato's veto of the "Responsible Contractors Ordinance" check out this article.

One of the statements made by Councilman Mullaney was misleading. He stated he wanted the Mayor reconsider his veto. All Mullaney had to do was respond to each item in the Mayor's veto. Obviously, Mullaney could not provide data. It is a sad day for Matawan when a Councilman thinks he knows more than Matawan's paid Attorneys. It is disconcerting when an elected official would place the Borough in jeopardy by asking our Mayor to go against professional, legal advice.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Special Borough Council Meeting 1/26/2009 at 6:30pm

There will be a Special Matawan Borough Council meeting tonight at 6:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to authorize T&M Associates, Borough Engineering Firm, to move forward with application for Matawan's Water Treatment Facilities Improvements through the Economic Stimulus Program.

The Economic Stimulus Program was discussed at one of the first meetings of the Borough Council this year. We encourage and support the Council in their efforts.

Kudos to Mr. Keating, P.E. of T & M Associates, Mayor Buccellato and Councilman Michael Cannon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Freeze may be coming to Matawan

We would like to preface our commentary on the Council meeting by saying we have seen a big change in the professionalism and dedication of this Council. Meetings are run relatively smoothly and there is a spirit of cooperation among its members. Nice to see them all buckle down and get down to business.
The Mayor and Council spoke about the poor economic conditions and the ways Matawan is considering meeting its financial obligations. Borough Departments will be asked to cut their Budgets by 5% and the possibility of a salary freeze on all Borough employees are two ways discussed. The damage done by the previous Council's spending, we hope can be repaired by fine tuning the Budget and major cutbacks.
Budget 2009 - Chairman of Finance committee, Tom Fitzsimmons, reported the Budget is being fine tuned. Fitzsimmons reiterated the economic conditions facing Matawan as previously stated by the Mayor. Councilman Fitzsimmons commended Councilman Cannon for his assistance to him with the Budget. Kudos Gentlemen, nice to see everyone pulling together for the betterment of Matawan.
Veto of Ordinance Adopting Responsible Contractor Policy - Veto stands
Pat Menna,Esq. Borough Attorney, gave explanations this Ordinance was not feasible. Councilman Mullaney, in a strictly partisan move requested the Mayor reconsider. Come on Councilman...reeeeally....we all know the Unions donated $7500. to the Democrats failed election. If in fact, you wanted the Ordinance reconsidered, you had ample time to respond to the Mayor's veto, item by item. You did not. Therefore, your posturing was political and not in the best interest of Matawan.
Borough Engineer's Report - As mentioned at the last Council meeting, the Borough Engineer discussed Economic Stimulus Packages which may be available to assist Matawan. Discussion commenced regarding the Water Treatment Plant. Councilman Michael Cannon , as Chairperson of the Water, Sewer Committee, will accompany Rob Keating, Borough Engineer to a preliminary fact finding meeting to determine Matawan's eligibility. Councilman Mullaney requested he attend this meeting. There was no objection.
A portion of the Economic Stimulus Package discussed was for the Road Program. Burrows Mansion maintenance was also discussed.
The Borough Engineering firm hit the ground running and we are impressed. More will follow on the outcome when info becomes available.
Borough Administrator Position - Mayor Buccellato and Councilman Fitzsimmons met with several candidates. More info to follow as it becomes available.
Privilege of the Floor - A resident of Clare Court asked for the Council's help. JCP&L cut down trees to the ground and exposed property owners to the ugly sight of a transformer. Decreasing property value was an issue and the unsightly transformer. Mayor Buccellato requested the Borough Clerk contact JCP&L in order for residents to discuss their issues with JCP&L.
Residents of Mill Road presented the Council with information and photos of damage done by water and mud slides. We were under the impression this was dealt with last year with the previous Borough Engineering Firm and Council. Obviously, someone dropped the ball to the detriment of the residents. Residents deserve answers, this situation is unacceptable.
Hope to see you at the next Council meeting.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Matawan Borough Council Mtg 1/20 @ 7:30pm

Tonight's Borough Council meeting will be held at 7:30pm in the Matawan Borough Community Center, 201 Broad Street.
The Agenda opens up with the Veto of the Responsible Contractors Ordinance. In order to override this veto, answers to the objections written in the Veto must be answered. Frankly, we don't see that happening. Mayor Buccellato vetoed this Ordinance with good cause and for the good of the Borough. Of course, this is our opinion and there are those who don't agree.

The balance of the Agenda is unremarkable.

If you wish to review the Agenda, click onto Matawan Borough's website. The website has been made easier and friendlier to view Council Meeting Agendas and the Bill List. Good job to the Borough for providing an easier website.

Hope to see you at the meeting.......

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dog & Cat Licenses Due Now

Anyone owning a dog or cat are required to obtain a license annually for their pets. This year is the first year domestic cats must be licensed. The total cost per animal is $11.20. Dogs and cats are required to show proof of current vaccination for Rabies. Free Rabies shots will be available at Matawan Hook and Ladder Company, 161 Broad St., Tuesday, March 10, 2009, between 6pm to 8pm.

Licenses are available at the Matawan Borough Community Center, 201 Broad St.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Workshop Meeting Follow Up

We were pleased to see our Council working together. To that end, Mayor Buccellato had the Borough Engineer review and advise the Council of Federal Simulus Packages available. Council looked favorably on this and voted to go forward. Matawan will be on the ground floor having our applications ready to go. A meeting must be held by the end of the month to finalize.

One of the packages would be used for DEP, Water & Sewer. This could be the funds for our water treatment plant. The other package could be used for the Roads, Infrastructure.

Council had a discussion reviewing permit fees for Construction. Property Maintenance Department is looking for guidance to enforce property maintenance. It appears there are many properties in Matawan that are not being maintained.

Mayor Buccellato advised Council he was scheduling interviews next week for the position of Borough Administrator.

While the meeting for such a short Agenda was lengthy, it was good to see progress being made. We are particularly excited about the Stimulus Package applications.

Next Council meeting January 20th, hope to see you there.........................

Monday, January 5, 2009

Matawan Borough Workshop Meeting 1-6-09 @ 7pm

The first Workshop meeting for the Matawan Borough Council will be held Tues., 1-6-09 at 7pm. The Agenda has not been published on the Borough website.
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The Organization Meeting was held on 1-1-09. Mayor Buccellato made his appointments to various Committees.

Notable appointments:

Borough Attorney: Pasquale Menna, Esq., Menna, Supko & Nelson, LLC
Borough Engineer: Robert Keady, P.E., T & M Associates

Resolutions(new business):

Award of Emergency Contract for the Installation of Four HVAC Units - 150 Main St.
Awarded to Able Mechanical who submitted the lowest quote of $88,608.

Appointment of Michael Calimina of the MAC Group as Health Insurance Broker of Record.

Appointment of Insurance Design Administrators as Borough of Matawan 2009 Health Plan Administrator.

Jean Monfort, Borough Clerk, read the Mayor's Veto of Ordinance 08-07, Responsible Contractor's Ordinance, into the record. Discussion, if any, on this veto will be discussed at the Jan. 20, 2009 Borough Council meeting.

We look forward to this Council working together and making progress in lieu of political maneuvering. We wish our newest Council members good luck.

Hope to see you at the Workshop meeting.....