One of the packages would be used for DEP, Water & Sewer. This could be the funds for our water treatment plant. The other package could be used for the Roads, Infrastructure.
Council had a discussion reviewing permit fees for Construction. Property Maintenance Department is looking for guidance to enforce property maintenance. It appears there are many properties in Matawan that are not being maintained.
Mayor Buccellato advised Council he was scheduling interviews next week for the position of Borough Administrator.
While the meeting for such a short Agenda was lengthy, it was good to see progress being made. We are particularly excited about the Stimulus Package applications.
Next Council meeting January 20th, hope to see you there.........................
Advocate - Is the factory/warehouse next to the train station on atlantic avenue part of the transit village redevelopment project? Seems like a complete waste of space to me. Would be a nice spot for additional parking or even some sort of park/greenspace. I think that's one thing missing from downtown is greenspace. You have a lake right on main street with a 7 eleven right next to it! Then you have a creek with a quickchek/liquor store next to it. How about some grass with a few benches or a little dock or gazebo. It would seem to make a lot of sense to have these convenience stores in the town or transit village areas (not across the street from one another) and use these areas for parks. Not only does it makes sense, the downtown area would instantly look a whole lot better IMO.
I think that factory is in Aberdeen. Silver Oak wanted to put a 7 story building there.
The factory you are refering to is in Aberdeen Township.
Thank you Downtown Susie and Anonymous for your quick responses.
The factory site that you reference is currently earmarked for additional parking. However, there are toxic cleanup concerns that are being addressed before the parking becomes a reality. Additionally, there never was any seven story building that was seriously being considered by Aberdeen. They pulled the reins in on that developer's wishes. Funny how rumor continues to be disseminated.
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