As a side note: Keep in mind that these wonderful volunteers picked up the ball when the Recreation Commission decided not to participate in the Tree Trimming and Santa Claus Events. Kudos to the Matawan First Aid and Matawan Fire Department for not allowing this Matawan Tradition to be terminated. We may not say it often enough but we residents do appreciate all you do for us. This prompts us to ask if the Recreation Commission gave some of their Budget money to help with the costs of these functions? Anyone know?
Mayor Buccellato was the only attendee from the Borough Council. Ironically, the Recreation Commission ran its 5K Turkey Trot Run/Walk was held the same day. Guess they were all busy.
Comment: We would be remiss if we didn't report on Councilman Mullaney's Police escort to TD Bank with the proceeds from the Turkey Trot. Really Councilman, don't you think Matawan Police Officers have more important things to do with their time, our taxpayer money? We residents carry money to the bank without an escort every day. Should we request an escort too? Maybe now some of the money can be used to make our parks handicapped accessible? Or isn't that showy enough?
The changes on Borough Council can make positive changes in Matawan. Instead of separatism, we want to see togetherness in Matawan. All parties working in unison to make Matawan the best it can be! Just think of the possibilities if all participated in the Tree Trimming, the Santa Run, the Menorah Lighting, etc.
The economy is getting worse and crime is and will increase. Yet in Matawan we ignore it and use our public safety members for useless chores. Over worked, underpaid, and not properly staffed. Keep ignoring the problem and it will soon enough bite you back. I hope its not one of the council members personally but when it does you will finally see action. I am sure of that.
Yes Main Street Manny we are officially in a recession. It is amazing it took all this time for the government to officially declare what we all have known for almost a year now.
Thanks for your comments.
Well as I said in the past several several several times. It is about to begin. Days after I made a point that the public safety officers (Police) are under staffed, under paid, and over worked this happens. http://www.app.com/article/20081203/NEWS/81203078
Wake up people!!! It is just the begining. BAD ECONOMY MORE CRIME!!! This is not Good Old Matawan any more.
Main St Manny, Thanks for the info. It is disturbing to read now about an armed robbery on Main St. Within a short time shots fired and now a robbery. We must all become more active in our community to help the Police. If you observe something suspicious, call the Police.
Thanks Manny, sorry to hear your prediction is being realized.
Yes call the police, but are you avoiding my statements about them being under staffing, over worked, etc..?
I understand the concern with the finances in this town but this can not continue. Residents can not help with shootings and armed robbers, this is a job for the police. But can they do their job safely with what they are provided? From what I understand this is the second shooting in less then a year and sure there is more going on that we are not aware of. The shootings have to be a record in this town which the staffing levels of the police department have only increased by one more officer in over 25 years. I feel this is going to be a trend and this small department is not going to give the service to the "good" residents of Matawan that we are used too. We need not concern ourselves with the conditions of the streets and parks if the residents won't be safe walking and playing on them. The problems in the police department need to be fixed. In a time like this the council should approach the Police Department, findout what they need, and figure a way out to provide them with it. Quickly!!!! Thank god no one has been hit yet with these flying bullets(innocent or guilty).
We understand the point you are making. The Police Dept. is the largest budget line item. Currently, the only way to increase the patrols as we see it is overtime. As the PBA contract is or will be negotiated, how much more can the taxpayers pay? Believe the PBA must work with the Borough in a realistic approach.
Manny, as you are aware we are supportive of our local Police Dept and the job they perform. We would be remiss if we didn't note Matawan Police Officers are paid more than NYC Police Officers. As much as we favor local Police enforcement, shared services seem to be the only way for the future. Why not have Police fall under the auspices of the County, keeping the local Police Depts. in tact? The Chief would report to the County while keeping communication with the Borough Council.
If Matawan keeps increasing salaries and benefits for its employees, we will require an increase in taxes. Under the current recession, you be the judge as to whether it is feasible. The last two years Matawan hasn't even been able to operate without a deficit.
Manny, we welcome any ideas or suggestions you can make.
Stop Mullaney spending to start. You give the power to the County and you will lose the personal touch. It is all politics. The council must #1 priority fix the insurance problem. It is obvious that self insurance is not the way to go anymore. Consolidate some of these buildings. 5 Fire departments, 1 First Aid building, 1 Police Department, a public works building, and a borough hall. How much $ would be saved in a few years if some if not all of these buildings were consolidated. Then there is the school district where there are directors for supervisors and supervisors for supervisors and they all have secretaries. Fix that problem and all residents win!
We are optismistic that the insurance blunder will be corrected shortly. Next meeting we expect a Report from a different Broker with an excellent reputation in the industry. Without pointing fingers, let us just say when inexperienced people are put in charge of finances, what do you expect. We believe Councilman Cannon has picked up the ball and tries hard to deal with the current deficit. Although he did vote for the 2008 Road Program Bond.
As Councilman Mullaney and the Democratic majority Council will no longer have control beginning Jan. 2009, we trust we will see a tightening up of the Budget. It will be a tough road, but the Republicans have the confidence of the voters to succeed. By the last election we all know nothing less will be tolerated. The same people at Council meetings voiced their concerns regarding the Budget deficit all year. They have repeatedly been ignored and the majority Council has voted to continue its spending. Look at the Council when a resident speaks and you will see heads down, paper shuffling, and no responses. It is apparent residents will no longer tolerate unresponsive Council members. No concrete plan has been mentioned as to how to prepare for the deficit. Mayor Buccellato has repeatedly informed the Council of the deficit, only to be ignored. We would encourage others to come and speak.
The last meeting showed how the Democratically controlled Council will ends its reign by attempting to pass a Responsible Contractors Ordinance.
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