Well folks, that is just what Mayor Buccellato did to the Responsible Contractors Ordinance recently passed by the outgoing members of the Borough Council. Councilman Malley insisted on the voting for this Ordinance along with Councilman Bunyon and Councilman Mullaney. Against the Borough Council attorney, James Aaron, Esq.'s advice, Malley proceeded. Ironically, Councilman Mendes was not present for the vote. Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Clifton did not vote cited conflict of interest.
For the entire story, read the details in this week's Independent by reporter Erin Stattel. Facts not presented at the Council meeting are reported. This ties into our thoughts on this Ordinance not being fair to all Contractors and limiting the pool of Contractors able to bid on Borough projects. It is unlikely that the newly elected Council members will vote against the Mayor's veto.
What a great way to end the year! It is our opinion that fairness and the best interests of Matawan Borough prevailed.
Anonymous, Firstly, you placed your comment in the wrong spot. Second, the entire Ordinance is suspect. James Aaron, Esq., Borough Attorney advised against Malley's insistance in presenting and voting on this Ordinance. By the way, just how many Borough Council meetings have you attended? Do you live in Matawan?
Jan. 20th, 2009, the next Council meeting, the veto of the Ordinance will be discussed. We truly hope Union representatives stay home. Matawan needs to get on with important business, i.e. Transit Village, Budget balancing, Main St. Revitalization, stablizing property taxes, to name just a few.
Should the Mayor have disregarded the advice of James Aaron, Esq., Borough Attorney and possibly place the Borough in jeopardy of a lawsuit? Do you think Malley wanted to pay back the Unions for the $7500. campaign contributions? Aterall, he did this after he lost the election.
Thanks for your comments, misguided as we think they appear.
I do not always agree with the Mayor, but after reading the Independent article, I would agree with him on his veto.
How could former Councilman Malley think that the residents would not see through this game that he played. Introducing an ordinance in the eleventh hour is insane and telling on his part. Mullaney and Bunyon should also be ashamed of themselves for not stopping this matter before it got to the Council.
Talk about the 11th hour politicing, the Republicans a few years back between election time and thier losing control , SOLD this boroughs garbage collection to the present ,most complained about company we have ever had. All contracts before this sweetheart deal were for 3 years,,, This one is for 5 years, SO don't waggle you lips about last minute deals!!! To answer your inquiry yes I do attend the Council meetings and it seems to me by your writings you have pre inside meeting info!!!Who are you playing up to ??? or a stoolie for???
I hope the Union people do show up and put you White lilly glove society in your place. This borough was built on working peoples loves for the area , Then the NEW YOOK CROWD came in and ruined the good way of life here!! Probably including you.
Anonymous 2, Oh so you think what Malley, Mullaney and Bunyon did was right?
Thanks, we do our research and check the Agenda on line.
The "stoolie" comment is amusing. You should broaden your horizons and stop watching "The Sopranos."
Matawan Advocate,
Speaking of the transit village, is Matawan trying to get a slice of the obama stimulus program like Red Bank is for their transit village?
Anonymous 3, We feel sorry for you. Your comments are pathetic.
We encourage harmony and progress in Matawan. Not promote dissension.
Any comments of a like nature will not be published again.
See you at the next Council meeting.
Anonymous 4, Good question. Read about it too. Would like to see Matawan utilize Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna's experience and knowledge on a smaller scale. Afterall, Matawan is no Red Bank.
Matawan is already a designated Transit Village. We could be wrong but, believe Red Bank is attempting to get that designation.
Thanks for your question. We will have to check into it.
I must admit, I am considered a new comer to Matawan. I have only been here 32 years. I hope that I can still give my opinion on a few items.
1. Matawan has been designated a transit village for several years. What good is that? Well, look at other transit villages along the line. They have done so much to improve their town.
2. Unions only? Well, yes unions are good. My family members are in different unions. That does not mean we are all for the ordinance. Small towns do not have the finance to just hire union contractors. Come on, give me a break.
3. It seems like the writer in favor of the unions is a former councilman or friend of the former councilman. Come on, anyone can find info prior to the meetins. Just look on the Matawan website.
4. I am a resident of this town who is neither a declared Dem. or Rep. I vote for the person who I think can do the best for Matawan, regardless of their party. For the past few years, I have watched Mr. Mullaney rule his fellow councilmen. Mr. Cannon used to be for the best for Matawan, but since he crossed parties, he is just lost his voice! I'm not saying the Republicans never did the same thing. I am saying that all this petty bickering has to stop NOW and council get down to business. If not, there might not be a Matawan Borough next year!
Anonymous 5, Great to hear from a longtime resident. Obviously, we agree with you.
Please feel free to comment on issues in Matawan, whether you agree with us or not. We believe we can all benefit from the wisdom and experience of longtime residents.
Anonymous 2, FYI, contracts are given to the lowest bidder. The current garbage company was the lowest bidder. Therefore, your comment and an 11th hour sweetheart deal is just more trash!
Anonymous 4, We believe Matawan will be applying for President-elect Obama's stimulus package for Transit Village funding.
We will see what happens at the Workshop Meeting tonight.
Matawan Advocate - Thanks for the update on the stimulus package/transit village. When you think we'll start to see some movement on this transit village? Is there any type of plan in place for this area or has it not been flushed out yet? The area around the train station is terrible IMO. It's ashame that you have a train station which draws people from all over the area to your town and all they see there is empty buildings, pot holed roads, and parking lots.
Anonymous 4, Will post information on the Transit Village as it becomes available. The Historic Society along with Councilwoman Linda Clifton have met with NJ Transit last year. They have accomplished the painting of the historic Train Station and it seems to be a step in the right direction.
The property owners in the vicinity of the Train Station should be held accountable for the appearance of those buildings. It is a disgrace they are allowed to let those buildings deteriorate. As a community we must band together and insist the Building and Property Maintenance Department establishes some guidelines and enforce them.
These are difficult economic times. We are at a crossroads in Matawan. Working together would be the best way to accomplish all of our dreams for Matawan. Just think of the possibilities....
I see manny appointments, I don't see one for a Business Adminstrator?? Or did I just miss it?
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