Proceeds to benefit Matawan Parks.
The last request to utilize funds by the Recreation Commission was for signage for the parks. While this is a wonderful idea to beautify Matawan, a thought comes to mind. Matawan Parks are NOT handicap friendly. When financially possible (aware of Matawan's Budget deficit) don't you think people would be better served by making our parks accessible to the handicapped? While signs are pretty, parks are for people, all the people. Something to think about as the Recreation Commission wants the proceeds from this event earmarked for Matawan Parks only. As the head of this event and Recreation Committee is the prominent Physical Therapist, Michael Mullaney, we are sure he would agree with us.
Sorry for appearing ignorant, but what parks?
Terhune Park, Gravelly Brook Park. There are more but that is what we could think of off the top of our heads. The Jackson St. Park renovation was made to be handicapped accessible. However, there are no curb cuts for wheelchair access to the Park. Will check into this further.
Thanks for your question.
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