Finances - Resolution 08-11-35 - Emergency Temporary Appropriation - Allows the moving of funds from unused line items, i.e. Historic Sites etc., to pay down some of the health care debt. We do not believe this will eliminate the current deficit, but it will hopefully reduce it.
Invoices presented for August and September 2008 and approved for payment from Ansell, Zaro, Grimm, & Aaron, Borough Attorney totalled $16,049.38.
Dog & Cat licensing - Ordinance 08-25 - Chapter XII - Animal Control - This will make licensing for dogs & cats set at a rate of $10.00 per animal. The introduction of licensing cats will be required in 2009.
Leaf Collection - Councilman Mullaney reported that leaf collection workers are removing leaves every day, weather permitting. Any questions regarding leaf pick up should be directed to Councilman Mullaney.
Privilege of the Floor - Several residents spoke. Residents from Lakeside Drive who were advised to take attend the Planning & Zoning Board meetings to discuss their issues. A resident along with her Contractor stated the Building Dept. has been very helpful, however, due to Inspectors work load cannot get to their inspections for 3 months.
All in all the meeting went quickly. Two more to go prior to the new Council being sworn in. We hope the transition goes smoothly.
Hope to see you at the next meeting.....
MA, did you know that the 2 remaining Republican freeholders both served as Matawan officials?
Downtown Susie, Yes, we are proud to say that Lillian Burry was the very first woman Councilperson in Matawan. Freeholder Rob Clifton, served as Matawan's Mayor. Matawan can be proud of their contributions to Matawan and Monmouth County. Freeholder Clifton can count on our endorsement when he runs for re-election.
We regret that John Curley lost his bid for Freeholder. He is a no nonsense guy and we believe he would have been a dynamic Freeholder.
Good to hear from you Downtown Susie.
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