Borough Council meeting Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 7:30pm. No workshop prior to Council meeting.
Budget Introduction on Tuesday, March 11. 2008 at 6:30pm.
Hope to see you there!
A place for residents, taxpayers and voters of Matawan to share their personal observations, comments, concerns and opinions. Thank you for reading these posts and we encourage your comments.
It will be interesting to see if the council has the nerve necessary to lay off employees to close the budget gap.
Things that really MUST be considered:
1. Fire Department Consolidation
2. Elimination of Borough-sponsored Recreation Programs
3. Elimination of Senior Citizen Programs
4. Reductions in force in all departments with more than two employees.
5. Replace Full Time Department Heads with Part Time Department Heads wherever possible--including the Administrator, Clerk & CFO.
6. 10% Reduction in salary across the board.
7. Elimination of Council Stipends & Benefits
No one wants to do these things but the Borough will either be in violation of State Law OR will use more smoke and mirrors to be in compliance.
Council meets at 6 PM in workshop session for the purpose of having a seminar on Employee Practices Liability. Seminar is given by the Borough Risk and Loss Control Consultant as part of the yearly training required by the Joint Insurance Fund. Fred
Thank you anonymous, you are correct there is a workshop session tonight at 6pm. The session is not required. However, if attended the premium is reduced. Good reason to attend on the part of employees.
Recalling that Resolution for RFQ's from attorneys, it appears that the majority Council is looking to replace Borough Attorney, Labor Attorney, Redevelopment Attorney. Now will they take the lowest bid or will they chose one of the Monmouth County Democratic Party's attorneys? If they don't chose the lowest, how can they justify paying such high fees? And the plot thickens....
Some interesting suggestions. Don't know if the Borough is required to have a full time Borough Clerk or CFO. Aware that Matawan has previously hired a part time Borough Administrator.
It seems that there are more employees then ever in the main office. Is this really necessary? The funny part is that the numbers of employees there seem to keep climbing. Big money saved in the Fire Department consolidation and part time Administrator, Clerk, and CFO.
I have finally seen the light and have to speak out in discust of what this town has become! It seems Matawan has become the new political Game called, can you stump this? As a resident of matawan since 1982 I have never seen such a political strong hold from outside our borders as I see presently. Personal and political agendas so sever that the very people voted into office have failed themselves and the taxpayers of this once great historic little town. As anonymos said, things that must be considered, let's reconsider. If one looks at the fire dept budget for the last 25 years,one will find not much has changed. But little does the public know that a Grant was applied for by the Fire Dept called Assistance to Firefighters Grant and they were awarded the grant for $230,000 to upgrade outdated equipment at no cost to the taxpayer all done by the volunteers! Elimination of Rec programs? Where are they? The Senior Programs,is that the flu shots, or only the seniors know? Reductions in force, maybe at borough hall! The PD is just getting a handle on things again why cut it. The rest of the road and water depts are at a grave yard crew for so long that the it would take years to recover from.Departments heads should be held accountable for their positions and payed accordingly and based on a yearly performance review! Get rid of the assistants and look for a boro clerk who can do two jobs. The salary reduction sounds great if it's for borough hall or you will have the unions to contend with at an expense to the taxpayers. Elimination of the council stipends,salaries, and benefits, best I have herd yet, let them volunteer and prove they are truly there for the town! There is not much left here in matawan and if the council does not creat goals and achieve them,there will never be a future for Matawan,or our children that grow up here! Can't wait for the citizens input committees, or will they be hand picked by political party? Thanks for a place to speak !!!
We'd be happy with a clerk that could do just ONE job--her own.
You want every ones name but your profile is as empty as your head!!
The New Quarterback as you called him is fumbling badly on many calls.. Any comment now on your predicted great one???
As children say, sticks and stones... We prefer to remain anonymous, just as many of our readers, as yourself, have chosen to do. You poor misguided thing we do not ask for names.
Anonymous, please name specifics where the Mayor is fumbling as you stated.
Taypayer, Check the Borough website for information regarding the Mayor asking for applicants for the resident Committees. If you are interested why not apply?
WHY HIRE THE LOWEST BID ATTORNEY? Be like Monmouth County Freeholders, hire the highest bidder. Pay for play has always existed in a Republican controlled area, citing "QUALITY"?? HA HA!!
Anonymous, are you justifying what Mary Aufseeser did by citing what you believe were the actions of the County? Now that Matawan's finances are in crisis mode every dollar counts. The Borough Attorney, Pat Menna, Esq. is an excellent municipal attorney as previously stated by the Democratic majority, so what is wrong with his fees being the lowest and his services the best?
If another Borough Attorney is suggested by the Democrats and their fees are higher, please come back and justify their choices.
Have you seen the Municipal Budget? How much more of a burden can you put on the taxpayers? More homes are up for sale than ever before in Matawan. The majority Council wants to renovate the 150 Main St building, relocate the Police Dept., bond for an ambitious Road Program(which we will pay for the next few years) renovate Gravelly Brook park, and on and on. Question is who is going to pay for all these things? We taxpayers are that's who! Wait till we hear the impact of the School Board Budget. Keeping in mind the School tax is 75% of the property taxes. We are being taxed out of our homes. When do we see some tax relief? If bonds are going to be retired, then why take new bonds out, why not give us a break?
How can you say all this and then talk out the other side of your mouth at the same time and ask for $10-20,000 to build a softball field of all things?
Which is it? Fiscal responsibility or give the people what they want? Or is it fiscal responsibility unless it's something YOU want?
We believe the appropriate term is "hypocrite".
Truth, your name should be Half-Truth! We agreed with the Softball field as the League was paying for half of it which equates to $10,500. and will maintain the field. We did not agree with paying Maser Cnsulting for soil testing in Gravelly Brook Park for $2500.+ when it would not produce optimum results. Are you an Environmental Engineer or familiar with soil/drainage testing? It is fiscally responsible to provide a softball field for our children and why not be able to utilize the expediture immediately? Rather see the children benefit than Maser Consulting.
Gravelly Brook Park is a long term goal.
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