An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind always be at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The Council will meet at the Matawan Community Center at 7:30pm on Tuesday.
We have noticed the Borough's Payment of Bills is on the website. Thanks to Councilman Cannon who listened to the residents and has made it available. All in all it looks like a routine meeting, excluding the Mayor's appointment(s).
Mayor Buccellato is expected to announce his appointment for Borough Attorney. There might be other appointments as well. The Council will then vote on his appointment(s). We are optimistic that the Council will agree with the Mayor's choices.
Matawan has serious issues that must be addressed. We are ever hopeful that the Mayor and Council can get on with the business of running the Borough in an efficient, frugal manner.
Let's hope the council agrees with the Mayor and votes to hire Mr. Menna as the Boro Attorney. He has has a great insight on what Matawan needs and knows how to get it the right way.
Mr. Mendes wants to move forward with relocating the Police and Court. Finally!!! That building is a disgrace to the town!!! Just take a walk thru and you will see.
Save money on Police overtime by not having so many recreation events. Why do we need them???
I was in attendance at the meeting, when the Mayor announced the appointments. Based on the facial expressions of Mullaney and his question regarding a procedure to overrule the appointments, I doubt that every appointment will be embraced.
Mr. Menna's price is the lowest. No one can dispute that fact. The rest of the appointments remain the same. All appointed by the Democratic majority last year. It will be interesting to see what happens at the next meeting. Can't see how they cannot agree with Menna's appointment as he is experienced and gave us the lowest price quote. We shall see....
The Police Department Building is a very expensive project. Due to the fact that we already starting this year's Budget at a deficit of $125,000, NJS cutting $200,000. in aid and the rising costs of salaries, etc. it will be difficult to repair anything without some sort of grant. Let's see if Councilman Mendes and/or the Council know of grants available.
What grants does Mayor Buccellato know of that are available?
Perhaps if the Council worked in unison progress on grants would be made. Believe the Mayor mentioned two grants that were given to us at the last Council meeting and was gracious enough to acknowledge the work of others who worked on it with him.
If you attended the last meeting, Truth, you would have heard Councilman Mendes going on and on about moving the Court to the Municipal Center. Question is where is the money coming from? The Budget was already tapped in 2008 to pay for expenses in 2007. Poor management by then Councilwoman Mullaney. Who was minding the store? Both Aufseeser and Mullaney left the Borough without even so much as a good-bye. Each in their own way has created problems for the Borough. What a coincidence that neither came to a meeting following Mullaney's resignation and Aufseeser's loss. They should have taken a page out of Debra Buragina's book and addressed the Council and public when she lost her seat as Councilperson. Truth, awaiting your comments on the non-renewal of Pat Menna, Esq. contract as Matawan's Borough Attorney.
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