Let us preface this commentary by stating, "Let the Games Begin." Evidenced by the posturing of certain members of the Borough Council who will be running for office this November. Amazingly enough last year's budget brought very few questions, if any, from the very same Council members who questioned each Department Head repeatedly. The very same Council members who voted to spend, spend, spend when they had control of the Council. Oh wait, we forgot, the Press was in attendance. Election time is coming earlier and earlier each year.
The only Council member missing was Councilman Kevin Mendes. We are sorry to note, Councilman Mendes has not attended Workshop/Special Meetings of late.
Being on Council is a tough, time-consuming and sometimes thankless job. Candidates must know from the onset representing the people of Matawan to the best of your ability isn't simply a matter of two meetings a month. It is not a self-serving position, rather it is a "public service". A job where you must consider the interests of the public you serve, not your own personal agenda.
2009 Budget Discussion - Department Heads of Matawan Borough, with the exception of the Chief of Police (who wasn't feeling well) explained their Budgets. All showed concern for the Borough and discussed cuts that could be implemented to reduce the deficit.
Police Department - In the absence of the Chief, the Council discussed the request of purchasing 3 new vehicles and reducing the number to 1.
Fire Department - The Needs Assessment Report from the Fire Dept., has not to date been made public. Purchases to replace equipment, safety gear and vehicle repairs in the amount of $16, 087.62 per bill list of 3-12-09. We await the report from the Fire Dept. which was to discuss possible consolidation and ways to cut costs.
Borough Employees Health Plan - The Borough will be switching health plan coverage to New Jersey State Health Benefits Program. Mayor Buccellato acknowledged the cooperation of the Borough employees. It will take time prior to realizing the savings but they will be forthcoming. That is the bad news.... The good news is a savings will be realized.
Well boys and girls, that's it for now.....
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