Fun Fact - Today is the square root of nine.
Tonight will begin with a Borough Council Workshop meeting at 7pm, followed by the Regular Borough Council meeting at 7:30pm. We trust the Council will move forward and no longer delay these items.
Some of the Workshop items for discussion are:
Ordinance Prohibiting Elected Officials from Municipal Work This discussion is long overdue. It is unethical for any elected Borough official to perform work for the Borough. Simply put it is wrong, wrong, wrong, for an elected official to use his/her office to benefit financially in any way. It will be interesting to hear the discussion.
Gas and Municipal Vehicles Usage - This pertains to employees driving Borough vehicles to and from work.
Towing Ordinance Revision
Discussion of Pension Deferment
Unemployment Request - W. Malley - Could it be ex-Councilman Will Malley? Are Council members who don't get re-elected entitled to unemployment compensation? We know elected Council members get stipends while in office. One of the deductions taken from that stipend is NJS Unemployment. Does this qualify officials who are not re-elected into office for Unemployment Compensation? If it does, will all officials who are not re-elected be eligible in the future?
Comment - It doesn't make sense for Unemployment Insurance to be deducted from elected Borough Officials stipends. It defies logic for elected officials to receive Unemployment Compensation. This Unemployment request opens up a whole slew of questions, i.e. if a Council Person resigns prior to the end of his/her term, do they return a portion of their stipend? Does the appointed Council Person receive a pro-rated stipend? With any luck at all this will not become a lengthy discussion but have a clear cut answer.
Borough Council Meeting
Proclamation - ARC Awareness
New Business
Approval of Towing License - R & A Auto Body Inc.
Approving Borough of Matawan Volunteer Fire Dept 2009 Coin Toss
Reappointment of Chief Financial Officer
Payment of Bills - Unpublished on the website as yet. If it does become available later today we shall review and comment on it.
Hope to see you there........
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