At long last Matawan won in the appellate court today. The appellate division ruled that Matawan and its Council members did not act improperly. Silver Oaks lost another battle in Court today. that makes it Matawan 2, Silver Oaks 0. Let's hope Silver Oaks will not take this matter to the NJ Supreme Court and allow Matawan and its residents to move forward. Any other action on the part of Silver Oaks will be seen as another attempt to economically devastate Matawan and its residents.
We will be anxious to hear what the Mayor and Council have in mind to get this project going.
Now that the Transit Village is in the go stage, How do they propose to get the land to do it ,Eminent Domain is "DEAD" in New Jersey Unless the area is blighted! I do not believe the area is totally that way in Matawan.
There are locations such as the corner property owned by Vic Scudiery, next to the 7-11, and the old car detailing shop which look like good candidates. These are unsightly properties. The little luncheonette on the Matawan side is up for sale or rent. We are sure there are many properties that were holding out for the Transit Village to start moving.
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