What a great way to funnel money into Matawan! Let's see who the Democratic majority Council select for Borough Attorney. Could it be that Pat Menna, Esq., a Democrat, didn't donate enough to the Monmouth County Democratic Party? Mr. Menna who is a knowledgeable, municipal attorney and Mayor of Red Bank, is being given the boot by the Democratic majority.....WHY????? Mr. Menna has proven over and over again what a competent Borough attorney he is by keeping the Council from putting their collective feet in their mouths. Last year the same Council was singing his praises and saying how he was saving Matawan money by charging reasonable fees. So what did he do that they don't want to renew his contract? Or what is it he didn't do? Let's see what others would charge the Borough....
As someone said at a recent Council meeting, if it ain't broke, why fix it! That seems easy enough.....let's see, ask yourself, could it be pay back?
Has Mr. Menna already been fired? Or is this all apart of the "Aufseeser Mistake". Is it possible due to this "Mistake" he may stay around?
To date Mr. Menna's contract has not been renewed. Request for quotes from attorneys has been published and waiting for replies. Would think if Menna's quote is lowest the Council would have a difficult time justifying giving the contract to another attorney. We'll see at the next meeting. The jury is still out on Aufseeser and her actions.
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