January 1, 2008, there will be a Reorganization Meeting at the Community Center on Broad Street. Due to the Special Election for Mayor on January 15, 2008 only essential appointments will be made by Mayor Aufseeser. Following the results of the Special Election the newly elected Mayor of Matawan will be making appointments. It was agreed by both the present Mayor and Paul Buccellato, candidate for Mayor, on the advice of the Borough Attorney Pat Menna, Esq. that only essential appointments will be made.
At this time, I cannot stress the importance of your getting out to vote. This is a very important election and will make the difference in the direction Matawan will take in the future. May I stress that electing an all democratic administration will not allow for checks and balances in the system. Personally, I am fearful that the current majority, as it has shown in the last 19 or so months, lacks the experience to manage a Budget, push for Grants, hold employees and elected officials accountable for their actions, etc. etc. They have tried to do a good job and in some areas have made a good effort. However, increasing taxes into the double digits is showing that they lack the experience and foresight to keep things in check. Conceding to all the demands of the Borough Administrator shows a lack of experience in negotiating techniques. Even I as a layperson know in negotiations, you ask for everything and are willing to accept less. This current majority administration gave in to all the demands of the Borough Administrator without even one concession. Councilman Paul Buccellato, currently running for Mayor was the only NO vote.
I urge you to attend the reorganization meeting to welcome the new Councilpersons, Linda Clifton and Kevin Mendes to the Council. Let's support our new Councilpersons and in the event they don't perform to our expectations, let them hear our voices at the Borough Council meetings. Let us hold our elected officals accountable for their actions.
In 2008, we have been advised that the Matawan Aberdeen School Board meetings are another area where attendance is critical to the Borough. Even though we elect people we think will do a good job, when they disappoint or do not live up to their campaign promises, we should be there to remind them. OK, so you may miss a Monday Night Football Game or Grey's Anatomy! Do you really think the Patriots are going to worry about your taxes going up or your children getting an above average education? Do you really think it critical whether Dr. McDreamy has a new girlfriend? Think again! I know we are all tired when we get home from work, the commute is a pain, you had to work overtime, the kids made you crazy today, the dog ate the Borough Schedule, and so on. The next time you see the dayworkers at the 7-11 relieving themselves, or your child isn't getting the attention to his math or reading, your garbage wasn't picked up, your leaves are still in the street, you receive a Notice that the drinking water your family drinks had bacteria, you received a Notice stating your property was being sold for unpaid taxes, remember you can only blame yourself for allowing this incompetence to continue.....
Hear hear! This post is a great call to action for all Matawan residents. Every one of us needs to be more involved than we already are, whether that means just voting if you're not already voting, coming to meetings if you're not already coming, or volunteering to serve in some capacity if you're not already volunteering.
I can just say that I hope someone on this council takes some type of control. Someone has to have some type of business knowledge. Obviously Mr. Mullaney's business mind is rip off the public and spend on what makes him look good. Mr. Mendes has business knowledge. Could he be the savior? Only time will tell. Maybe someone will vote on what is right and not what everyone else in the party wants. Going to the meetings to me is useless. They dont listen and just give dirty looks and yes you to death. I do have one question? Does the new mayor have the power to fire the administrator?
The only Saviour is in Church.
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