Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Election to be held for Mayor-Tied Vote

A good source just advised the MA that there will be a new election for Mayor in Matawan. To all those nay-sayers, it seems that one of Buccellato's votes was not counted. Buccellato did follow the rules and went the distance to let his supporters know that all their work was not in vain. To those of you who claimed this blog cried "sour grapes," half of Matawan agrees with the MA. The Judge will set a date for a new election. It will be interesting to see if it is possible to have an election based on the issues. Truly hope so. No games, no tricks, just a plain, old, clean election. Let's not have an election by the newsmedia, but by the people of Matawan.

Research each candidate and make up your own mind as to who would do the best job for Matawan.

Recount of Mayoral Votes Today at 10am

Today at 10am the votes will be recounted in an effort to ascertain who will be Mayor of Matawan. Will it be the current Mayor Mary Aufseeser or Paul Buccellato? Or will it be a new election? Good luck to Matawan, we will need some strong leadership to get us through the next few years. More to follow.....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Matawan #12 Best Place to Raise Kids

According to Business Week, Matawan ranks #12 in the Best Places to Raise Kids in the US. Per the article our median income is $63,594. While they show an aerial view of Matawan, it doesn't resemble Matawan at all. Don't see the lakes. Matawan's stats:

Total 296.87
Test scores: 91.97 (46th)
Schools score 28.09 (2nd)
Crime 84.32 (40th)
Recreational/cultural activities 8.76 (26th)
Cost of living 83.73 (38th)

More important than what others think of Matawan, what do you residents think?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Recount Mayoral Votes 11/28/07 Wednesday

In Alyssa Passeggio's Blog, it was noted the recount will be held on Wednesday, November 28th, per Matawan's Democratic Chairman, Joseph "Bud" Mullaney. Good luck to both candidates.
Will someone do something with the Train is a disgrace!

May the candidate that will be best for Matawan win.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cheap Tricks or History Repeating Itself

Following further research, here is what was ascertained, to the best of my knowledge. Wow, I sounded like a lawyer!

The Democratic Party has 15 days from the day the letter of resignation is received by the Borough Clerk to submit 3 potential candidates to replace Councilwoman Mullaney on the Borough Council. The Council then has 15 days to accept or reject 1 of the 3 candidates. Should the Council reject all 3 candidates or there is an impasse, the Matawan Democratic Party has 30 days and will appoint someone without Council approval.

In either case, the residents of Matawan will not have a say until the November 2008 election.

For all you newcomers or residents who have forgotten, now here is where the “cheap political tricks” come in. In 1999, the same “stunt” was imposed on the residents when Joe Thompson after he lost his bid for Mayor resigned from the Council. The Democratic Party of Matawan filled this vacancy by selecting Jim Shea who lost his bid for Borough Councilman (at that time we were not so politically correct) the same year.

Cheap tricks or history repeating itself. You wanna bet that Robert Bunyon (the lowest vote getter) is one of the three candidates. Will that mean Bunyon will be representing the people of Matawan? Is this what they call “by any means necessary?” Time to change the rules and give the people the right to chose who represents them!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney Resigns

At last night Council meeting, Mayor Aufseeser announced Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney resigned from the Council effective immediately. What a coincidence that Bunyon lost the election to Linda Clifton and now Ms. Mullaney resigns! No reason was given by the Mayor. The Democrats have 45 days to come up with a candidate to fill the spot on the Council. A good guess would be Bunyon. However, Mullaney might chose another Mullaney to fill the vacancy. That is not an error, anyone who attends Council meetings knows Councilman Mullaney is running the show. Any quesses? Well the spot will be taken until next November when the temporary council person has to run for the seat.

Now for the meat and potatoes of the meeting:

Redevelopment - Mr. Lopez, a resident of Union St. asked Council Members for their vision of what the Transit Village should entail. Low and behold, everyone shared their ideas, excluding Councilman Cannon(it was stated that he had given his vision at the last meeting) and Councilman Buddy Mullaney, who stated he would not reveal his ideas until the Silver Oaks (Aberdeen Developer) v. Matawan appeal was heard. No idea why unless he doesn't have a vision. While there are some different visions all agreed something has to be done. Another interesting point was that the Downtown area is not going to improve without Redevelopment of the Train Station area. Businesses come and go on Main Street as they have done in the past.

More to follow.... in the mean time, have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Thanks to the Matawan First Aid Squad Volunteers Santa will be traveling through Matawan as he has for thirty years. Apparently, the Recreation Commission who usually handles the Tree Lighting, Santa Coming to Matawan couldn't handle it this year and was going to cancel the event. Busy Turkey Trottin' I guess. Perhaps if the Recreation Committee were more receptive to new volunteers, we could collectively do both.

Why does a new event like the 5K Turkey Trot & Walk have to eliminate a tradition in Matawan like Santa Coming to Town. As long as I can remember adults and children alike run to the windows in Matawan looking for Santa when they hear the sirens of our great Fire Department and First Aid Squad trucks. While I commend the volunteers of the Recreation Commission for the fine work they do, new events shouldn't be started at the expense of our Traditions.

HATS OFF TO THE FIRST AID VOLUNTEERS, OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT! Rather than dispense with Tradition, they volunteered to do the job. Let's not forget these same people are there when you need them. They give up their time with their families to serve the community, never asking for a pat on the back. We should all take a page from their book. As some of us do not have time to volunteer as a regular basis, how can we volunteer to help for a specific event? Anyone who can give some guidance, please do.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Borough Council Meeting Tuesday at 7:30pm

Care to voice your opinion about the lingering Mayor Aufseeser signs, come on down Tuesday, November 20th at 7:30pm to the Community Center on Broad Street. You will notice a sign hanging on by a splinter right across the street. Perhaps some one had the good sense to realize it is Thanksgiving week and not Election week and started to take it down. Well other than that you can also voice your opinion on the "Big Spenders" giving people increases in salaries. Even though the Budget is frozen, that is this year's Budget, the Council can borrow from next year's Budget 2008. That's right folks try that when it comes to paying your property taxes, your water bill, etc. The last time I checked the Borough frowned upon paying property taxes from next years pay(which I haven't received as yet.) Like the idea though. Hey the economy is in the dumper anyway!

By the way, what ever happened to the American flags on Main Street. Will they be out for the Turkey Trot Run on the 24th? The Recreation Committee chaired by Michael Mullaney is running this event to benefit the Recreation Department. Michael Mullaney, is a licensed Physical Therapist with a business on Main St. He often donates his time and services to help Matawan. Good luck with the event Mr. Mullaney.

Word on the street is that Councilman "Buddy" Mullaney is hitting up the businesses in Matawan for contributions. Really now, can't you give the businesses a break. It's tough enough to make it in Matawan without constantly being asked for contributions. Didn't the businesses donate to pay for the American flags? These are small businesses not IBM.

Hope to see and hear you at the meeting.

Will the Real Turkey Stand Up..Gobble, Gobble

Mayor Aufseeser and the Democratic Party of Matawan win the "Turkey" award for having their campaign signs still lingering two weeks after the election. While strategically an interesting move on the part of Mayor Aufseeser & the Democratic and tacky is more like it. Do you really think you are fooling people? Do you really think Matawan is filled with idiots who you can subliminally influence to vote for you should an election be required following the recount? Really now! Hey maybe it will work...after all didn't you fill Main Street Village on Main & Route 34 with all those campaign signs the day before Election Day and Election Day...any guesses on how many signs there were? The winner gets to paint the signs Christmas green and red if they are still up for the Christmas holidays.

OK, the joke is over! Do you really think you are beautifying Matawan with those signs?

Friday, November 16, 2007


"It's not the voting that democracy; it's the counting." Tom Stoppard, Jumpers

According to the Asbury Park Press, Paul Buccellato, Candidate for Mayor of Matawan has demanded a recount. If the situation was reversed I am positive Mayor Aufseeser and Councilman "Buddy" Mullaney would do the same.

More to follow as things develop.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just In....

Another Blogger, Aberdeener, sent a comment to MA stating that Fred Carr, Matawan Borough Administrator has withdrawn his name from the City Manager position in Florida. Thanks for the update Aberdeener. Welcome to Blog World.


Residents of Union St are wondering when it will be over! Once again Seaview Contracting is digging up concrete curbs and aprons. Over the weekend Union St. from Aberdeen Road to Daniel Drive was without Gas service. So far the water service has been interrupted, the street has been dug up several times, the gas service has been shut down.....will Union Street ever be paved? It's a toss up between when the asphalt plant shuts down for the winter and the contractor finally gets it right. Maser Consulting is doing an excellent job on keeping an eye on the project. Their on site supervisor, Sean is right on the money.

Clinton Street Youth Center Matawan

Without any fanfare, Councilman Paul Buccellato arranged to put a new roof on the Clinton St Youth Center without any cost to Matawan. Contractor (not from Matawan) & materials were donated to the Borough thanks to the efforts of Buccellato. It is refreshing to see someone who just "takes care of business."

The lack of acknowledgement by the Council was brought to the attention of the Borough Council at the last meeting by Mr. Gerry Hourihan. Mr. Hourihan, waited to the end of the Council meeting to express his displeasure with the Council for not acknowledging Buccellato's accomplishment in getting a new roof put on the Clinton St Youth Center. So much for working together.

Kudos to Councilman Buccellato for a job well done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Matawan Borough Council Meeting

NEWSFLASH - In today's google news was an article regarding Matawan's Borough Administrator, Frederick Carr, interviewing in Palatka, Florida for the position of city manager. As a matter of fact his appointment is scheduled for 1pm Wednesday, tentatively. Maybe losing an $85,000. County grant and losing an important report had something to do with his job search. Mayor Aufseeser will be disappointed if he goes since she has stated when he screwed up that she thinks he does a good job.

Now on to other matters. The Mayor and Councilman Mullaney were somewhat pensive. Not that the Mayor states her opinions on much, but she does read the Resolutions nicely. The night belonged to Councilman Mike Cannon. Once again he was echoing his mantra, "we are pinching pennies," "we are pinching pennies." Yet he has no problem giving extra monies to the Borough Assessing Clerk regarding the property revaluation process. Seems Cannon has no problem giving the person $3500. per year extra for 2007, 2008 and 2009. My question is have we found money growing on trees in Matawan? Councilman Buccellato at least had the sense to have the Resolution held until the Council could discuss it further. Even Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney stated she had no idea about the increase. Isn't Meghan the Finance Chairperson? Oh yes, the 25 year old kid (not that 25 year olds are kids, just wouldn't put them in charge of Finance, Personnel & Education.) Oh my, oh my, another choice of Mayor Aufseeser.

The Borough is also spending $5,000. to audit the Fire and First Aid's LOSAP(Length of Service Awared Program) for 2 years. Seems that the Borough Auditor made the recommendation. The Borough Auditor is also doing the audit. The audit is not even a complete review of the program. Call me crazy but that doesn't seem like in the words of Councilman Cannon, "pitching pennies." That right folks, the Auditor recommended an Audit. Well, how cozy!

Also, the Borough's Salary ordinance was introduced. This is not the actual salary increase, but a range for the individual salaries. From my review it appears that the low and high ends of several positions have increased. That can only mean salary increases. Again, "we are pinching pennies," as Cannon claims. Doesn't sound like it to me.

Don't forget the property revaluation information should be hitting our mailboxes now that the election is over. I say hit because that's what it will be to most households. Guess a few more of you will be joining us at the next Borough Council meeting.

It was encouraging to hear a resident speak at the meeting. His question was regarding the 2 new recreational parks recently dedicated. The response was it included the Jackson St Park and the Ball Field, he replied: "The Jackson St Park has been there since he was a child and has always been a basketball court." Perhaps resurfacing the court translates to a new recreational facility. As far as the Broad St facility it has been there for at least 3-4 years. The only difference is that in 2006 the Council re-named it honoring Mr. Jerry Houridan. Maybe re-naming a recreational facility also translates into a new recreational facility.

While it is great to see Jackson St park looking better and the ball field named after Jerry Hourihan, it actually doesn't constitute it being NEW!

Mr. Brady of Ravine Drive asked the majority council members what their ideas were as to Redevelopment. As always the majority Council did not really answer the question. No surprise there. Although Councilman Cannon did finally express his opinion. No real news there either. No answer to property tax relief for Mr. Brady either.

Well Folks, keep in mind that Matawan is pinching pennies, yeah right, but spending DOLLARS!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Borough Council Meeting Tonight 7:30pm

This will be the first Council meeting when the public has access to the list of bills to be paid. Although not on the Municipal website, it is available at the Community Center on the Bulletin Board. Thanks to our vigilant residents who requested that we have the right to review the expenditures of the Borough Council. See that's what happens when you get involved.

Hope to see you at the meeting.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


In the first step of a re-count Paul Buccellato has called for a check on the absentee ballots. So folks, in the words of Yogi Berra, that great Yankee player, IT AIN'T OVER TILL IT'S OVER!

More to follow.......


Congratulations to Mary Aufseeser on her re-election as Mayor of Matawan. According to the Monmouth County Board of Elections, Aufseeser won by THREE (3) VOTES! So all you people who are complacent about could have made a difference. Congrats to Kevin Mendes on his election to Borough Council.
Congratulations to Linda Clifton on her election to Council. Linda Clifton will be the only Republican on the Council in the coming year. Clifton will probably be given some minor Commission to Chair. With one vote, she will have little or no impact on whatever the Council wants to do. That's the facts.

We all can thank American Properties, Dunkin Donuts, the strip mall on Main St.(StarBucks), the Pudential building on Route 34, and all the businesses that supported Aufseeser, et al. I'm sure the Matawan Alliance will be getting more funding from Matawan and any other organization that pleases the Mayor and her Council. With or without an adopted Budget. Look for more spending, higher taxes, and some great parties on Main Street!

Keep staying home, don't get involved, let others direct your tax dollars.

This is not sour grapes.......this is reality.


Gooooooooooooood morning Matawan! Voting machines in Matawan are sealed in a very close race for Mayor. The winners for Council seats are Linda Clifton and Kevin Mendes. The unofficial winner for Mayor is Buddy Mullaney. Oops, I meant Mary Aufseeser.

A frozen budget...we will have to borrow money from next year's budget in order to continue doing business, the Lakes & dams, the dayworker situation, Transit Village Redevelopment, infrastructure problems, relocating the Court and Police...these are the issues facing the new Council members. Attending Borough Council meetings and Planning/Zoning Board meetings, we are headed for trouble. Matawan is looking at higher property taxes. Interestingly enough the revaluation figures should be mailed to homeowners next week. Hold on to your seats folks. Wonder what the effect of the revaluation would have had on the election had they been mailed this week?

No matter who is the official winner for the Mayor's seat, we are facing a tough road in Matawan. I reiterate my position on attending Borough Council meetings. Thursday is the next Borough Council meeting. If you don't participate, then don't complain when taxes continue to rise. We will have some great parties on Main Street, AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


News from Matawan, Main Street-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Councilman Buddy Mullaney was seen last night at 11:30pm ripping Buccellato/Buragina/Clifton signs out of the grass strip by the StarBucks strip mall and throwing them into a dumpster. Our sources say that Councilman Mullaney told one of Matawan's finest that the Police should take down the signs. Mullaney reiterated that HE had exclusive rights to place signs there. According to the story Mullaney claims the owner of the strip mall is hunting with Mullaney's brother. Apparently Matawan's finest refused to get in the middle of this political nonsense. Call me crazy, BUT my tax dollars are not spent to do Mullaney's dirty work. Matawan Police have a tough enough job without getting in the middle of one man's spite work.

Well, Mullaney did take the signs down....although Buccellato/Buragina/Clifton did not respond in kind......They chose the high road. The classy thing.

Mr. Mullaney, apparently in spite, called for challengers at 7:30am to be at the polls. WOW, you really showed them..... :-p


Monday, November 5, 2007


Robert Bunyon, Democratic Candidate for Council claims he is not Vic Scudiery's nephew. However, Mr. Bunyon's supervisor at his place of employment is Vic Scudiery's nephew. Our apologies to Mr. Bunyon for stating otherwise. Blogs are much like newspapers. At times when sources seem solid, they are not. The information regarding Mr. Bunyon was obtained from another Blog.


What local politician had Matawan Police remove Buccellato,Buragina,Clifton signs from the Strip Mall on Main Street(where StarBucks is located?) All weekend signs for Aufseeser, Bunyon & Mendes were covering strips of grass on this strip mall. When a volunteer put signs up for Buccellato, Buragina & Clifton (several, I might add, not 20)the Matawan Police were called and told that the Democrats have the "exclusive" rights to put signs up and insisted the Police Department remove the Republican signs. The Matawan Police complied. Now perhaps the Police should have requested proof i.e., a letter of some kind, a phone call to the owner. But they didn't and why should they, after all it was a Democratic Councilman from the Borough. Waste of manpower, waste of taxpayer money, absolutely! The same Democratic politician who told our Police this story and wasted our tax dollars....was not telling the truth. OH NO, YOU SAY, NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, yes, readers sorry to say but that pleasant face does lie! Just when you thought it was going to be a fair, honest election, HA! This certain Councilman must want to win so badly that he lied to the Matawan Police. He should have known better.... Isn't that against the law?


You see early Monday morning, it must have been "Matty the Ghost of Matawan" all those signs disappeared. You remember "Matty the Ghost of Matawan" walked off with the report that we taxpayers paid for and the Mayor & Councilman Mullaney never mentioned to the Council. Even the signs on Route 34 in front of the Prudential building are gone. Unlike American Properties, apparently there are some savvy business people who don't want to get involved in local politics. Has the damage been done by those signs? Tomorrow will tell the story. Will Matawan be governed by underhanded antics or will the real issues in Matawan be considered by voters?


Thursday, November 1, 2007

And the hits keeep coming!

This election year is rather amusing if not pathetic. While Aufseeser, Bunyon & Mendes, quote Yogi Berra and dead Generals, Buccellato, Buragina & Clifton state their credentials. While the "FAB FOUR," Aufseeser, Bunyon, Mendes & Mullaney are posing with baseball hats and bats, Buccellato, Buragina & Clifton are stating their goals and visions for a better Matawan.

How about discussing the issues? Why didn't Matawan have a Q & A for the candidates? We do have a Community Center, why not use it?

Aufseeser, Bunyon & Mendes sent a flier with a great photo of Debra Buragina. Had to smirk at the comment, "Republican bosses would appoint a minor league player to replace her." Debra is a life long resident of Matawan and is not a "quitter." Bunyon should take a page from her book. Last election Bunyon dropped out so Cannon could run. So who is the quitter Mr. Bunyon. Loved the minor league player crack.... Perhaps they meant minor league like Bunyon and Mendes? It's funny how words can come back to bite you on the butt! They mentioned bosses, did they mean like Vic Scudiery who owns property by the Aberdeen-Matawan Train Station. Who just happened to relocate the NJ Dept of Motor Vehicles offices from Matawan to the Airport Plaza, you guessed it Vic Scudiery Enterprises property. Didn't use Scudiery Enterprises on the building in Matawan, did he? But every election a big sign supporting the Democrats is on his building in Matawan. Where does Scudiery live? Ask yourself why is he so interested in Matawan?

But I digress, getting back to Debra Buragina, does the Mayor have short term memory loss??? Wasn't it Debra who took over the Recreation Committee when the Mayor's appointed Chairman, Councilman Cannon and the committee (composed of Mary Mullaney, Mike Mullaney and attended by Buddy Mullaney) had a falling out of sorts. It was Debra who rescued Mayor Aufseeser when no one else would (pardon the pun) step up to the plate. Now you see people what you miss by not attending Borough Council meetings.

When businesses enter into politics it can only lead to rule by others. Does the owner of the Plaza where StarBucks is located live in Matawan? Does the owner of Dunkin Donuts live in Matawan? Does the Dr. on Main Street, the Financial Planner on Main Street or the Prudential Bulding on Route 34 live in Matawan. Do owners of any business in Matawan live in Matawan? Well if they don't then I say, Mind your own business? If they do a sign at your home is sufficient. Spare me from the people who put "huge" signs on businesses but when it comes to their homes do not! We in Matawan are not sheep that need outsiders telling us how to vote. We hopefully vote on issues. If I need a Doctor, Financial Planner, Bank or any other related services, you better be damn good at what you do because I for one am not interested in your politics! Having signs on our homes is one thing but plastering signs all over the Borough in the hundreds is absolutely ludicrous. Main Street Matawan looks like "Trash City" with all those signs. You would think it was a Presidential election and the candidate lived in Matawan. Are you people stupid or what spending all that money for signs? How many people do you think that could be fed with that money? How many homeless families could be better served by that money? This election has made me ashamed to live in Matawan. My hope is that this never happens again. Perhaps I'm wrong and the more signs you clutter a Borough with, the more votes you get. I hope not. Never wanting to trample on anyone's rights, whatever makes the residents of Matawan happy. BUT AND THAT IS A BIG BUT, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE MY TAX DOLLARS WASTED CLEANING UP ALL THESE SIGNS. Matawan's Department of Public Works has enough to do.


Now for my disclaimer. The words printed above are personal observations. Excercising my right to blog what I perceived is my constitutional right. You can agree or disagree, that is your right. There will always be a sense of decorum on this Blog, no foul language permitted. If anyone perceived events differently, please feel free to comment. There will be no belittling, as I have experienced on other blogs. You will not be banished from this Blog. Please, any Pompous Jackass that wants to teach us all how to blog, write a book.
This is a free Country.