Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fools Rush In Where Wisemen Fear to Tread

"Nobody believes the official spokesman...but everybody trusts an unidentified source."

The editor of a weakly publication, has been on a mission in Matawan. Why in Matawan? What exactly is his motivation? While he calls himself a journalist, he belittles and demeans anyone who doesn't agree with him using crass comments, ie Mayor Mary Aufseeser. In a recent editorial, he does his usual insinuations without fact. Should there be proof of any wrongdoing, as the old expression goes, "put up or shut up." It was unfounded remarks that held up the Matawan Transit Village's progress. Barring the lawsuit brought on Matawan by Silver Oaks (a major factor in the delay) the benefit of tax relief would be in place now. Perhaps, just perhaps we all would be in a thriving community right now.

Matawan Borough Council Meetings are the forum for Councilman Bud Mullaney to state his intentions re the Matawan Transit Village. Tell the people who voted for you first, they deserve the respect. Perhaps it wouldn't get his picture in the paper or quotations in editorials, BUT you would EARN the respect of your constituents. His idea of starting all over again,(the reference to "ground zero" if offensive) is not cost effective. Not using Columbia Group, it is likely Matawan will have to give back the money Columbia put in escrow. The escrow account was used to defend the lawsuit, Silver Oaks v. Matawan. Realistically, do you think a new developer is going to pick up the tab for the previous developer? The newly appointed attorney has walked the train station area recently. Is this part of his contract or are we paying hourly rates? Were the new contracts done by the bidding process? The previous attorney and planner are well versed in the project. The choice of appointing a new attorney and planner for this project was not prudent. Current Matawan Redevelopment Committee members have no previous experience in this project. It is questionable whether they have any experience in construction, planning or the financial aspects of building. Would you choose your neighborhood handyperson to build your new home or leave it to professionals?


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