Wednesday, October 21, 2009

There Oughta Be A Law!

There oughta be a law against a politician electioneering from his/her position as an elected official. But there isn't. Sooooo, we sat and suffered through another Mullaney(I'm so good, pat me on the back) speech from Councilman Mullaney. This began when Councilman Mullaney informed everyone there was no garbage pick up on Dock St. Per Councilman Mullaney, M&S Management refused to send a truck to collect trash even though M&S Waste Management failed to pick up their regularly scheduled day. Councilman Mullaney arranged to have Waste Management (a different hauler) pick up the trash. All this raised questions? 1) Who authorized and paid for the carting company to pick up and dispose? 2) Are there any liability issues involved as a result of a company (not under contract to Matawan) loading and disposing of trash? 3) Did the Councilman contact the proper authorities in the Borough to back charge M&S Management for their lack of performing the regularly contracted scheduled pick up on Dock St?

Now don't get us wrong, we commend Councilman Mullaney for assisting the residents of Dock St. We do, however, question whether his actions were done by following the proper channels, and at what cost, if any to taxpayers? Keeping in mind, Councilman Mullaney is up for re-election, we trust his experience has taught him to perform duties in the correct manner. We'd hate to see him do an injustice to his constituents like he did when he stated he was going to introduce a Pay to Play Ordinance only to threaten to sue the Borough, months later, if such an Ordinance was brought before the Council for a vote! Or when he voted against the Girls Softball Field, or when he voted to spend more tax dollars (even after being reminded of the Borough's deficit Budget.)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Matawan Borough Council Meeting, Tues. Oct. 20th, 7:30pm

Tuesday the Matawan Borough Council meets at 7:30pm for its regular meeting at 201 Broad Street, Matawan. Here are some of the topics up for a vote:

Old Business:
Resolution 09-10-10: Authorizing Maser Consulting, PA to Undertake Any Necessary Steps for the Public Advertisement and Accept Bids for Park Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation.

New Business:
Resolution 09-10-23 and 09-10-24 authorize the purchase of two (2) 2010 Ford Crown Victoria Police Cars.

There is also resolutions authorizing the hiring of two (2) part time, hourly employees for the Construction/Fire Prevention offices.

Set Halloween Season Curfew for 2009.

Consent Agenda:
Three (3) new business will be voted on for approval of their business licenses.
Little Italy Pizzeria
The Learning Experience
Tiffani's Vintage Closet

We welcome them and wish them much success here in Matawan. Please visit these new businesses to encourage support for our local merchants.

Payment of Bills - Update - No elected officials or family members' business were paid for any services rendered on this Bill List.

Hope to see you at the meeting......

A Note from this Blogger

Anonymous, 1. nameless; without the real name of the author; as an anonymous pamphlet
2. of unknown name; as an anonymous author
Taken from Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Recently, for some unknown reason a person wrote to this Blog pushing for this blogger to reveal who they are. Strangely enough they write in anonymously. Now we don't have a problem respecting their request for anonymity. We do have a problem when they wish to deny the rights of our families, when we remain anonymous. The double standard they use is unacceptable and quite frankly speaks volumes of the type of person they are. So to set the record straight....we will not publish any comments questioning who we are, etc. We will continue to comment on events in Matawan Borough. Should this cause you sleepless nights, distress, deep concern, make you break out in hives, then we suggest you read and post comments on other blogs who do not request anonymity.
We thank our loyal readers for letting us share our thoughts and promise to continue to keep commenting on events in Matawan.
Matawan Advocate

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Matawan Advocate endorses Lopez-Angelini for Borough Council

We endorse Andy Lopez and Toni Angelini for Borough Council. This is not a political endorsement, this is based on our observations at Council meetings and in discussions with them. We believe they bring to the table a fresh approach to the needs of Matawan, without any political baggage or hidden agendas.

For what it is worth, as we see it, this team brings to the Council their honesty and intregrity along with their experience as residents, taxpayers, homeowners, senior citizens and parents in Matawan. Now we are sure you have read the fliers handed out as they go door to door. BUT, in case you haven' t, here are our thoughts on their election. Lopez and Angelini represent a cross section of Matawan's population. The Ying and Yang, if you will, of Matawan's population. No false promises (they do not claim they will pave your driveway, do your grocery shopping or mow your lawn.) They do promise they will do their best for Matawan.

Mr. Lopez and Ms. Angelini, will help continue with the cost saving and progressive plans put forth by the current majority without burdening the Borough Council's time (and ours) with political rhetoric, posturing or questionable ethics. They do not have any conflicts of interest, ethically or financially. Their votes will be based on the needs of Matawan and its residents.

Teamwork is essential to Matawan's progress. Therefore, we encourage you to vote for Andy Lopez and Toni Angelini for Borough Council.
Please get out and vote. Don't let indifference be the decision maker for you.

Disclaimer: These are the opinions of the Matawan Advocate. It is your right to agree or disagree. It is our right to form opinions and share our thoughts with you on this blog.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Matawan Borough Council Workshop/Meeting Oct. 6 at 7pm

Tomorrow night's Borough Council Workshop/Meeting Agenda has some interesting topics for discussion and vote.

1. Court Renovations - this is overdue but necessary. Just concerned about where the money is coming from for these renovations. The Budget is already cut pretty thin.

2. Sign Ordinance - Glad to see this one getting off the ground. It is in the forefront for improvements to Main St. and has been in review for some time.

3. Dams - Another one of the items that needs work asap. Last time we checked the State could come in and make Matawan drain the Lakes if we don't act. The way we see it, draining the Lakes is not an option. This may be a necessary expense that Matawan is forced to act on. Here's hoping for some grant money, as this is a very expensive item.
4. Budget Status - Now that we have received State Aid (such as it is) guess we will find out how much more or less the Budget must be cut. Residents are not looking forward to any further increase in property taxes that's for sure. This is not a win - win situation.
5. Park Avenue Sewer Repair - Under the Consent Agenda the Council will be voting to authorize Maser Consulting to Undertake any Necessary Steps for the Public Announcement and Accept Bids for Park Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation.
Consent Agenda
Mill Road Sanitary Sewer Extension - The Council will be voting to Authorize a Change Order No. 1 (Deduction.)
Last but not least, Payment of the Bills - has not been published as yet.
We are forever optimistic that the Election Shenanigan's will not continue and the Council will proceed with going forward with positive steps to improve Matawan.
Hope to see you at the meeting......

Check out More Monmouth Musings Blog

Want to know what Councilman "Buddy" Mullaney is up to lately? Check out Art Gallagher's, More Monmouth Musings Blog. Once again Vic Scudiery and Mullaney are coupled in Matawan. Vic, Vic, Vic, Matawan is not for sale, not to you, not today, not tomorrow, not any day for any price! Wonder how much Vic tried to buy Matawan for this time?

On the upside, if there is one, it was held it at a Matawan Restaurant/Bar on Main St., Bart's.