Thursday, March 29, 2007

Schools Out - "In Need of Improvement"

A recent Letter to the Editor in The Independent from a Matawan resident urged residents to vote for Larry O'Connell. Why isn't Mr. O'Connell discussing his record? Fact is the District SAT scores for the last 3 years show below State average. This is the guide Colleges use for admission. Matawan Aberdeen Middle School did not make adequate progress in 2005-2006. This school has been identified as "in need of improvement" for 2006-2007 by the State Board of Education. That explains why he isn't discussing his record.

The facts clearly shows its time for a change.

While we may balk at teachers salaries and benefits, they are molding the minds of our most precious resource, our children. A dedicated teacher is worth their weight in gold. Why not apply this same thinking to our Board of Education? Sheila Flamm is running for the Board of Education opposing Larry O'Connell. Well educated and aware of the situations challenging our school system (her children attend Matawan schools), Sheila would bring a fresh approach to the Bd of Ed.

This blog, unlike the Letter to the Editor referenced, doesn't chastise the 90% who don't vote the Board of Education elections. They are the hard working people who are too busy earning a living paying high property taxes, possibly paying tuition to private schools (not having faith in the public school system) and so tired at the end of the day that they become apathetic. Encourage, inspire and motivate these people to get out and vote. If they need someone to drive them, volunteer, if they need someone to watch their children, offer to help, if their dog needs to be walked (as long as the dog isn't bigger than you) offer to walk the dog while they go and vote! Let's change the mind set from let the other guy do I can make the time to vote.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Give us a break

a tax break that is! The Borough Council introduced the Municipal budget on March 21, 2007. The INCREASE is $1,319,682.00. Ordinance 07-07 to Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriations Limits for 2007 and establish a cap bank. Does anyone get it? The Budget hasn't even been passed and already we know the amount of the increase and that increase won't cover the expenses. But don't's going to have a cap!
Mayor Aufseeser claims she became Mayor with a platform of keeping taxes down. Hello---an increase of over $1 million with a cap is not keeping taxes down. Per Councilman Cannon at a Council Meeting, Matawan has to count its pennies. Well it's for damn sure no one is counting the dollars. To the tune of $1,319,682. In April you will get your chance to speak your mind about this Budget. More to follow as to exact date and time.

You say you want more, we'll give you more, re-evaluation hasn't kicked in yet. What is the old adage, "the only things you can't avoid is death and taxes." Perhaps they meant, death by taxation!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Come One Come All

Well folks here we are again. Ready for the side show! At the last Council meeting the Council voted to approve the appointment & professional services of McManimon & Scotland, LLC as Redevelopment Counsel. Councilwoman Buragina & Councilman Buccelotto voted against, the Mayor casted the deciding vote, thereby passing it. Now here is the sideshow part, Councilmen Cannon & Mullaney were told to abstain from the vote, which they did. Are you ready for this.....Mike Cannon is the Chairman of the Redevelopment Committee and Bud Mullaney is on the Redevelopment Committee. Question---Who votes to approve payments to these attorneys....let's guess....that's right Mike Cannon, Chairman...Bud Mullaney as member???? Or will they abstain from voting to approve the invoices for professional services? That does make them ineffective. In the alternative, do you want the same person (Mike Cannon, et al) approving the invoices who was represented by the firm of McManimon & Scotland, LLC., in the lawsuit to get on the democratic ballot, though he was ineligible? If they abstain, do they also abstain from making any phone calls or discussions with the new attorneys, that could also increase the invoices. Come on, I WAS BORN AT NIGHT, BUT NOT LAST NIGHT! Ah yes folks there is something rotten in Matawan!

As you may or may not know, Silver Oaks(Developer for Aberdeen) is appealing the decision made by the Superior Court regarding the Redevelopment project in Matawan. That wasn't very friendly of Aberdeen's Developer, was it? There was a generic response to the appeal. Silver Oaks doesn't have to show cause in actual terms until they get before a Judge. This does prevent Matawan from moving forward for at least 9 months. Don't you just love the legal system! Why do we need a New Redevelopment attorney, why do we need to pay any attorney, when in fact nothing can be done for at least 9 months? Every time an attorney is called the cash register rings, time is money. As these new attorneys do not know the background of the previous Transit Village it will cost us taxpayers to bring them up to speed. Will we be paying the former attorneys and the new attorneys at the same time? This also applies to the new Planner. Who is fronting the monies for Silver Oaks to appeal such a comprehensive decision by the Judge in Superior Court and why? Who will be paying for attorneys to represent Matawan...could be out of your tax dollars.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The Matawan Borough Council is holding a special budget meeting on Wed. 3/21/07 at 6pm. How strange to hold a meeting at 6pm when most people aren't home from work yet? This makes one curious as to what the reason for this could be. It should be at the very least an excellent one as it pertains to the Budget for Matawan Borough. On the Agenda for the Borough Council Meeting on Tues., March 20th is a resolution Ordinance 07-07 to exceed the 2007 Budget and establish a cap. Well isn't that like closing the barn door after the horse gets out!

Our Borough Council has to learn that you can't spend money you don't have. As we residents have to within your means. The Council cannot tax us anymore because they can't manage their money. We residents would lose our homes if we couldn't pay our mortgages. What is the worst that can happen to the Borough Council members---they won't get re-elected. Which is more important to you as a taxpayer? You decide.

Come to the meeting and express your objections to exceeding the Budget!

Matawan Borough Council Meeting Tonight

The Matawan Borough council meets tonight at 7:30pm at 201 Broad St. One of the issues regard the appointing of the law firm that represented Mike Cannon in his bait and switch game. That is Bunyon was running but backed out the last minute so Cannon could run. Cannon was not legally eligible to run but the Democratic party took it to Court and the Judge ruled that as there wasn't time for Democrats to get another person to run, let the voters decide. Strange enough Mr. Bunyon found time to be appointed to the Matawan Planning & Zoning Board by our Democratic Mayor. Of course, Councilmen Cannon & Mullaney will abstain from the vote as they have done previously. This all sounds fishy!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Although not Irish just had to pass this along to all those who are.

May the most you wish for
Be the least you get

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light
May good luck pursue you each morning and night

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand

May your dreams come true
your prayers be answered

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Kudos to Councilman Bud Mullaney

At last night's Borough Council Meeting, Councilman Bud Mullaney apologized to Agnes Falk, the constituent whom he asked if she voted for him at the last meeting. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. Although not asked, he did not come forth with the answer to the original question which prompted his response. He did note that Falk is a concerned resident of Matawan. To Councilman Mullaney's credit, it is important to note his statement was said at a Borough Council meeting and he apologized at the following public meeting.

Further comments/opinions on the meeting to follow shortly.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Matawan Borough Council Meeting Tonight

A friendly reminder Matawan Borough Council Meeting tonight at 7:30pm at 201 Broad St., Matawan. Check out the agenda on the website listed below. Perhaps you will see an item that quirks your interest. Maybe the Budget 2007 or Lake Lefferts....

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Are you really, really sure?

Word is Robert Bunyon, aka the candidate who didn't run, is going to run AGAIN for Borough Council member in the Demoratic primary. Or is this another chance to get an ineligible person to run again? What would make us believe Mr. Bunyon's personal reasons wouldn't surface again? Apparently, being appointed to the Matawan Planning & Zoning Board by the Mayor wasn't enough of a reward for dropping out of the last race so Mike Cannon could be slipped in. It is difficult to trust someone who can't make up their mind.

As children say, Mr. Bunyon, ARE YOU REALLY, REALLY SURE?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Good News Bad News

Personally we like bad news first. However, it is Fri and we are looking fwd to the weekend. So here goes:

GOOD NEWS: Matawan Aberdeen School District received a nice chunk of change in State Aid.

BAD NEWS: It will not offset the increase in our property taxes to really make a difference. There will be an increase from the Municipality. Ah yes, we will be told how hard they worked to keep the increase to a minimum and what cuts had to be made to achieve this budget. No doubt the cuts, if any, will be to services that benefit the residents. Will there be cutbacks or caps put on salaries on the municipal level? Doubtful! Democrat or Republican, whatever party has the majority doesn't seem to matter. We are being taxed right out of our homes.

In a perfect world, candidates who run for office in Matawan don't need party affliations. Officials would make appointments based on the best for the job. Appointments would be made by competitive bids, competency and experience in their chosen field. Experience teaches us to distinguish between political rhetoric and the truth.

An editorial in The Asbury Park Press, beginning 2007, encouraged everyone to get involved in their local government. It was inspiring.


Quote for the day

"While democracy must have its organization and controls, its vital breath is individual liberty."

Thursday, March 1, 2007

C-Town Stop work order

Word is there is a stop work order for exterior work being done at the C-Town location on Main Street, Matawan. This has one of our Council members in quite an uproar. There is a problem with the work being done on the exterior of C-Town. Wonder how Councilman Mullaney will circumvent this dilemma? Apparently, someone is watching out for Matawan and it most certainly is not this Councilman.

Perhaps we should take a vote and see how many voters actually want a C-Town Supermarket in Matawan. Visit their website and see what we are in for in Matawan.