Jackson Street Park - Mayor Aufseeser stated at last night's meeting that a Matawan Contractor, Florin Lupo, donated the labor and materials to pour new concrete at the Park. Mr. Lupo owns properties in Matawan, ie the former Joe Pepe's Restaurant, the old movie theater, a portion of which is occupied by Mullaney & Associates (a blood relative of Councilman Mullaney and Councilwoman Mullaney.) A resolution by the Mayor and Council acknowledging Lupo's generosity should be presented. The downside to this matter is does Mr. Lupo expect anything from the Borough.....perhaps moving one of his application dates up on the agenda at the Planning/Zoning Board. While not illegal, would it be considered an accomodation, a favor.... Hmmmm.... Word is that Lupo did provide the Laborers. However, did not pay for the concrete. The question is who paid for the concrete....if not the Borough...then WHO? If anyone has any information regarding the name of the party or parties who paid for the concrete, please contact the Matawan Advocate. There seems to be some shady dealings going on in Matawan. Although the Mayor said Lupo paid for the work and materials at the Jackson Street Park....people in the Borough have serious doubts.
Redevelopment - Councilman Mike Cannon stated the Redevelopment Committee met with the Planner and we can expect to see some type of Plan for Redevelopment soon. We were promised this months ago and are still waiting. When we get our new property tax bills in January 2008, following revaluation, you will realize redevelopment is necessary if Matawan is to survive.
Illegal aliens - This situation comes up again and again not just in our Borough but throughout the Country. Fact is the Federal Government does nothing about this problem, which is growing in epic proportions. We can only deal with our Borough. Last night's meeting brought up other concerns. Health Department concerns were raised by residents. While the gathering of day laborers at the 7-11 on Main St is permitted by the owner of the 7-11, the question of toilet facilities goes unanswered. Where do the day laborers who could be there for hours and hours go to relieve themselves? Do they use the back of the 7-11 building which is parallel to the Lake? If they use the land behind the building...does their waste eventually end up in the Lake? Are they using vacant land in Matawan as a public toilet? The Mayor and Councilman Malley do not think this is an issue. Residents do not agree. Residents are concerned!
Borough Personnel - In a strange turn of events the Council voted on the hiring of John T. Quinn as Construction Official/Zoning Officer/Building Inspector. Councilwoman Meghan Mullaney and her father, Councilman "Bud" Mullaney, objected to the appointment. Councilwoman Mullaney is the Chairperson of the Personnel, Finance & Education Committee, wasn't it her job to have done her research prior to the meeting? It appears Councilpersons Mullaney have someone else in mind for the position. The question that comes to mind is, Does Mullaney want to control Matawan completely? Perhaps this Borough is becoming Mullaneyville. While applauding the efforts, I question the way things are being done. There are certain procedures that must be followed and it appears some people think it doesn't apply to them.
Another aspect of the illegal situation is property values. Coming into Matawan Borough you are greeted by a rundown Train Station surrounded by boarded up businesses and then the 7-11 filled with day laborers. Oh yeah that makes people want to move to Matawan. Women can't go to the 7-11 without being accosted by day laborers either looking for work or passing remarks. Would you send your daughter to the 7-11 for a quart of milk....I sure as hell wouldn't. As long as the owner of the 7-11 allows laborers to gather on his property this problem will persist. His concern is not for Matawan, but for his wallet. Money talks! Matawan is going green, not in the sense of ecology, but in GREED.
I have no objection to people that are genuinely looking for work, however I've stopped going to these stores for the simple fact that you cannot park in the lot without running someone over. There should be a designated spot in the borough where these people can gather without causing a safety issue. As far as restrooms go, I sure hope that someone is calling the police when they see that because I believe there are laws on the books for something like that.
Thank you for publicizing the illegal alien issue in Matawan. Or is it now Mata-Juan?
I will not give my business to 7-11. I use Quick Check. At least there I don't get leered at.
I see the laborers going behind 7-11 into the woods. For all I know, some of them live back there. Also, the grassy area where they hang out to the right of 7-11 is owned by our borough. It's said that some of them live in the woods behind the police range. Some lived in the old factory on Church St. behind the municipal center before it was torn down. I think that's Aberdeen there. Where did they go?
I'm trying to find out a phone number to call 7-11 Corporate to complain about the loitering. If I find out I'll post it. If anyone knows, please share it.
Karen, Freehold and I believe some other South Jersey towns have tried mustering areas. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
Downtown Susie, The area you refer to behind Matawan's Community Center is Aberdeen. Boycotting 7-11 is a good idea. However, the day-workers spend enough to warrant the owner allowing them to hang out on his property. Perhaps we could get a group of people willing to lawfully picket the 7-11. Might encourage people to go elsewhere to pick up day laborers. I believe the sidewalk is the property of the Borough. Of course, this would require people to "stand up" for what they believe. Possible not Probable!
From 7-eleven.com
"Customer Relations: This is the company's Q&A Department. Ask questions. Express your concerns. Compliment positive experiences. Customers may also call the 7-Eleven® Customer Relations number at 800-255-0711..."
7-Eleven, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 711
Dallas, TX 75221-0711
Phone: 972-828-7011
I hope this is helpful.
Thank you for the info.
Matawan Residents:
I am interested in writing a story about the large crowd of day workers that gather in front of the 7-11 on main street every morning. the story will focus on the traffic issues and touch on how it affects the people that live in that area and thier property value. If you know anyone who wants to talk on the record, please e-mail or call me.
Sametta M. Thompson
New Reporter
Asbury Park Press, Keyport Bureau
(732) 888-2619
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