Several months ago Councilman "Bud" Mullaney made a noble gesture stating he was going to research a Pay to Play Ordinance to be adopted by Matawan Borough. What happened?
Since that time Councilman Mendes voted on paying bills from a business owned by his family. Councilman Mullaney hasn't presented any invoices to the Borough to date but was vague when asked. We are aware the Borough no longer purchases tires from Mullaney Tire, but what other services have they provided, if any. In the event of any impropriety, recently, Key Auto Body (Mendes' family business) was advised they will no longer provide towing services to the Borough. Several other Matawan based firms will be requested to provide towing services. This was a responsible move on the part of the Council.
Borough Council members, NOW IS THE TIME to create a Pay to Play Ordiance in Matawan. Keep in mind election time is coming in November. None of us have forgotten Vic Scudiery, Chairman of the Monmouth County Democratic Party, donated $8500. to Mary Aufseeser's unsuccessful re-election special election campaign. Do we residents want other people who don't live in Matawan to financially influence the outcome of our elections? We think not! Matawan is not for sale.
Who paid for the re-count of the ballots for the Mayors election????? Republican party of Monmouth County??????????
From what we understand Paul Buccellato paid out of his own pocket.
Unlike Mary Aufseesser who received $8500. from Vic Scudiery, Chairman of the Monmouth County Democratic Party.
Hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking.
Th sealing off the train station parking lot Costs Nearly $9,000.00Was their a conflict of interest on who did the Job???? Could some of the Borough Employees had an "Interest" in the Company who did it?? Check it out Advocate, HOW DID YOU MISS THIS??? If you are going to make innuendo's of conflicts of who's doing work for the borough and getting paid , do "ALL" of the work ,not just what you choose!!!
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