Friday, March 2, 2007

Good News Bad News

Personally we like bad news first. However, it is Fri and we are looking fwd to the weekend. So here goes:

GOOD NEWS: Matawan Aberdeen School District received a nice chunk of change in State Aid.

BAD NEWS: It will not offset the increase in our property taxes to really make a difference. There will be an increase from the Municipality. Ah yes, we will be told how hard they worked to keep the increase to a minimum and what cuts had to be made to achieve this budget. No doubt the cuts, if any, will be to services that benefit the residents. Will there be cutbacks or caps put on salaries on the municipal level? Doubtful! Democrat or Republican, whatever party has the majority doesn't seem to matter. We are being taxed right out of our homes.

In a perfect world, candidates who run for office in Matawan don't need party affliations. Officials would make appointments based on the best for the job. Appointments would be made by competitive bids, competency and experience in their chosen field. Experience teaches us to distinguish between political rhetoric and the truth.

An editorial in The Asbury Park Press, beginning 2007, encouraged everyone to get involved in their local government. It was inspiring.


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