Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mayor Aufseeser, Councilman Mullaney, Councilwoman Mullaney, Councilman Malley and Councilman Cannon were missing from the Matawan Rotary 5K Run on Sat., July 21, 2007. Councilman Cannon works at night and we can understand him not attending such an early morning event. The Matawan Rotary presented the Defibullator to the Matawan Fire Dept., as the Mayor was not in attendance. Interestingly enough the Mayor along with Councilman Mullaney, Councilwoman Mullaney were present at SharkFest later that day. They were present along with representatives from the Matawan Alliance, Matawan-Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, Matawan Borough Historical Sites Commission and owner Ricardo Hernandez for the Grand Opening of C-Town on Fri., July 20, 2007. Call me crazy, but when an organization gives to Matawan, at the very least, shouldn’t Mayor Aufseeser be there to accept the gift on behalf of the Borough! Did C-Town contribute to the Matawan Rotary 5K Run? NO, they did NOT! Did they contribute to Sharkfest? Well, as the Matawan Alliance is a private organization...will we ever know? If someone has a heart attack in C-Town, they can thank the Rotary for its donation to the Borough.

Ok, let’s cut to the chase. It just so happens that if Councilman Joseph “Photo Op” Mullaney does not sanction the event then the Mayor, Councilman Malley, Councilwoman Mullaney do not attend. James Shea and Councilman Mullaney also happen to be on the Matawan Planning & Zoning Board. Per meeting minutes dated 3-5-07, from the Planning & Zoning Board, Councilman Mullaney spoke for C-Town at a Planning & Zoning Board meeting. Is this a conflict or part of his duties as a Councilman/member of the Planning & Zoning Board? Is it priorities or politics?


Anonymous said...

In order to understand the Matawan Democrats you first have to understand that Councilman Malley's brother in law is the mayor of Elizabeth. Their money and tactics are straight out of the Union County Democratic Machine.

matawan advocate said...

Add Vic Scudiery, add the Union County machine, add, add, add...
Who really runs Matawan?

Anonymous said...

I hear that Councilman Mullaney is the real owner of C-Town. Is that true? If so, then I think that any variance that was granted for that business to be down there should be questioned.

matawan advocate said...

Rumors are just that rumors! No one has produced proof so until such time as someone does....it remains a rumor. If anyone has proof pls email me at advocate42@gmail.com.